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In linear time, find the maximum sum of all possible contiguous subarrays - Printable Version

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RE: In linear time, find the maximum sum of all possible contiguous subarrays - Gribouillis - Oct-30-2021

@DPaul, your implementation is 0(n^2), try to print the length of maxArr to see it.

I think my function can be modified like so to allow only non empty sublists:
def gribmax3(array):
    s, t = tee(accumulate(array, add, initial=0))
    return max(map(sub, s, accumulate(t, min)))
For your question regarding gribmax2() yes, mathematically one usually defines an empty sum of numbers to be equal to 0. However this is purely conventional. Python does the same sometimes
>>> sum([])

RE: In linear time, find the maximum sum of all possible contiguous subarrays - deanhystad - Oct-30-2021

(Oct-30-2021, 05:38 AM)DPaul Wrote: Because the random generator (-100,100) could very well produce an all negative array.
Possible, sure, but very well? Odds are 1 in 2^100 for a len(100) array. "Very well" sounds like a synonym for "reasonable possibility".

RE: In linear time, find the maximum sum of all possible contiguous subarrays - Gribouillis - Oct-30-2021

deanhystad Wrote:"Very well" sounds like a synonym for "reasonable possibility".
By generating a list every NANOsecond, it takes 40 TRILLION years to generate 2**100 lists.
i>>> nanosec_per_trillion_year = 1e12 * 365.25 * 24 * 3600 * 1e9
>>> 2**100 / nanosec_per_trillion_year
That's more than 3000 times the estimated age of the universe, assuming it means something.

RE: In linear time, find the maximum sum of all possible contiguous subarrays - deanhystad - Oct-30-2021

But it is still possible.

RE: In linear time, find the maximum sum of all possible contiguous subarrays - DPaul - Oct-30-2021

Point taken.
There is critique on my command of the Queen's English.
Therefore, in my post, read "very well" as "occasionally".

RE: In linear time, find the maximum sum of all possible contiguous subarrays - darter - Oct-31-2021

I was having a bit of trouble understanding what was meant by this challenge and compared it to maybe the intended(?) idea as posted on google:

Question as posted here is:
# Given an array of integers, find the maximum sum
# of all possible contiguous subarrays of the array

Question as posted on google is:
Given an array of integers, the task is to find the maximum subarray sum possible of all the non-empty subarrays.

As posted here the idea would be simply to sum all of the subtotals from every possible sub-array- but then the use of the word 'maximum' becomes superfluous - hence my confusion. (When I read 'sum of' I would normally expect to just add up whatever comes next ie, ' all possible contiguous subarrays' So I think we are just looking for the subarray of contiguous values that produces the largest value.

RE: In linear time, find the maximum sum of all possible contiguous subarrays - Gribouillis - Oct-31-2021

(Oct-31-2021, 03:45 PM)darter Wrote: So I think we are just looking for the subarray of contiguous values that produces the largest value.
There is a tiny difference. We are only looking for the largest value, not the subarray that produces this value. It is the same difference that exists between a max and an argmax. Deanhystad's code above returns both the subarray and its sum.

RE: In linear time, find the maximum sum of all possible contiguous subarrays - DPaul - Nov-01-2021


I made a small tweak, so that the sum array does not get very large.
This does not take away that my loop x loop version is obviously slower than the other versions.
I did some timing measurements:(100_000 loops of random (-100,100) array length 30.)
My version is about 20 times slower than the others (1.4 secs against almost 25 secs)
How exponential is it ?
Random arrays of 5: 1.12 secs
10 : 3.20 secs
20: 11.0 secs
30: 24.9 secs
50: 76 secs
I have some work cut out.
    arr = random.choices(range(-100, 100), k=50)
    maxArr = [max(arr)] 
    for number in range(len(arr)):
        for grouping in range(2,len(arr)-number+1):
        maxArr = [max(maxArr)]

RE: In linear time, find the maximum sum of all possible contiguous subarrays - DPaul - Nov-04-2021


The nested loop approach ("brute force") will produce the goods,
but for the (-100/+100, array = 30) case it will take 24+ seconds.(100_000 iterations)
I set out to see if this approach could be tuned to produce more acceptable results.
And yes, if you prepare the initial array in such a way that it will only
test "valid" candidate subarrays, the processing time drops to +/- 4.8 secs.
(Doubling the arrays : 5-10-20... will roughly double the processing time.)
Looking for inspiration to cut the 4.8 secs further...
maxArr = [max(arr)]
idxStarts, idxEnds = [],[]
for idx, number in enumerate(arr):
    if number > 0:           
        if idx == 0 or arr[idx-1] < 0:
        if idx == len(arr)-1 or arr[idx+1] < 0:
for idxfrom in idxStarts:
    for idxto in idxEnds:
        maxArr.append(sum(arr[idxfrom:idxto +1]))
    maxArr = [max(maxArr)]

RE: In linear time, find the maximum sum of all possible contiguous subarrays - DPaul - Nov-07-2021


I gave this "interview question" some considerable thought, because I want to get hired next time. Smile
My basic idea was to reduce the size of the original array, effectively reducing the number of possible subarrays.
There are about 10 rules you can formulate: e.g. a candidate subarray cannot start with a negative number or zero etc..
(You need to make proviso's for all negative arrays, which happen frequently if you do (-100, 10, k=30)
This is a dummy example:
arr = [-1,-2, 3, 4, 5,-6, 7, 8, 0,-9,-10, 11,-12] newarr = [ 12,-6, 15,-19, 11]
Unfortunately, every "if" comes with a penalty of about 0.1 secs in 100_000 runs. It is a trade-off, and I was not
able to write a "reducing" algorithm, that was fast enough to my taste. (Another interview question?)
So I ended up with a solution along the lines what was proposed above, yielding about 1.5 secs for 100_000 runs.
maxArr = [max(arr)]
subarr = 0
for number in arr:
    subarr += number
    if subarr > 0:
        subarr = 0
maxarr = max(maxArr)