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New Users Introduce Yourself - Printable Version

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RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - volcano63 - Apr-21-2017

(Apr-21-2017, 03:49 AM)Larz60+ Wrote: You're young enough to be my (illegitimate, since I wasn't married then) son.

Vow, somebody flunked birds and bees lesson  Blush  Late bloomerTongue ?!

And you can't use micro-aggression like illegitimate son - anymore, it's oppressive and it causes snow blizzards on California  Wall(Is the gender- and age- oppressive word "son" is still allowed in American Doh . Or has it become the S word Huh )

I lost in the age categoryCry , ready for pissing contest in grandkids Wink?!

RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - Larz60+ - Apr-21-2017

Actually, not quite that old but for some reason that I can't control, trying to get there.

RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - rrashkin - May-28-2017

What ho, pythonistas?
I used to be an active member. Then I got downsized and moved and got a Chromebook and generally had no easy access to Python. Not important. Anyway, the Chromebook fried and I got a Cloudbook on which I immediately wiped Windows in favor of Bodhi Linux. And, BAM!, I'm back in python busisness.

RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - nilamo - Jun-06-2017

(May-28-2017, 02:53 PM)rrashkin Wrote: I used to be an active member.

Never forget!

I remember you. Though I thought you had a lot more posts than that, lol.

RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - kennybassett - Jun-14-2017

Hey I'm Ken. I'm going into my 4th year at Georgia tech pursuing both an engineering degree and a physics decree. I decided to teach myself Python over the summer, so we'll see how that goes!

I just started getting interested in cryptography, so I've been having fun creating my own encryptions and decryptions in Python as well as trying to recreate encryptions like the German enigma machine and the Caesar cipher.

RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - asherwunk - Jun-20-2017

Hi! I'm a programmer of many languages and fell in love with Python as I learned it and then taught it to my nephew as an introduction to programming. We had fun making a couple games using PyGame!


RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - bencouve - Jun-20-2017

Hello #!
I am new here and have dabbled a little in programming over the years (my programming needs work though). Should be a fully fledged programmer in some language by now. Anyway, when I worked for EDS back in the day their motto was "The broader the base the higher the pyramid, The more you specialize the more you learn about nothing" ... Not sure I agree with that now..

Anyway, love python. It is soooo easy compared to compiled languages, not surprised how it has taken off. Need to get some serious depth now (will take a couple of years, but what the hell). Python, django, android apps, scripting etc

RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - Larz60+ - Jun-20-2017

Like any endeavor, learning software can be a lifelong passion.
The more you learn, the more you realize you have to learn
New packages turn up daily, many are very useful.
Fortunately there are some great sites available for browsing and searching:

The python repository itself:

I've been at it for 50 years just getting started!

welcome, and enjoy your stay

RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - Larz60+ - Jun-20-2017

Welcome Ann!

RE: New Users Introduce Yourself - hunnimonstr - Jul-05-2017

hello all, and thanks for a useful and helpful forum.

the project that brought me to python is the interface to some cheap Chinese bluetooth plant pot sensors which i hope will trigger small pumps to water the patio plants.  i usually plant beans to climb up the fence facing NW-ish which catches the long afternoon and evening summer sun, but in pots as thats also the hard pathway up the garden.. and watering pots is easier than digging up pathways, when it works..  and with 6m or so of Big pots thats a lot of trudging back n forth with watering cans. Its rare the beans survive my mismanagement ;)  

So far ive tested out all the components, the psu can power all the pumps and the controlling p-zeroW board, and as i intend to control the pumps sequentially not concurrently that should all work out ok.

Im using an 8x relay board which i have tested without any loads plugged into the Pi board using the 5v pin to the relay boards VCC pin
and successfully switching the relays with the 3.3v supplied by the gpio pins..

And Thanks to some helpful pointers in here i now have a basic sensor query and logging script running every 30 minutes.

Currently the logic im intending to apply to watering is:

    if mlevel < 30 :                                # testing for less than 30% moisture
        if (ltime + testtime ) < time.time():
            wrec = [time.time()]
            GPIO.output(iopin, ON)  # turn on pump1
            GPIO.output(iopin, OFF)  # turn off pump1
           # raise warning!! email? MQTT??  
    return wrec
fwiw ltime is derived from the last modified date of the file containing the watering record generated by the action.

thing is the sensors also provide a number of other readings which other than log i have no idea how to find useful ;)

temperature, ©
light level, (0- 1100)
conductivity of the soil which will indicate fertilizer strength, (100- ??)
and Battery level (%) this one i do know how to deal with.. eventually ;)

But so far i have proved the concepts viable -ish

there is one problem.. but i think i may have a solution, the sensors only plunge 3-4 inches into the soil, and even in my 10 " rim test pot the soil can sit quite moist just below the sensors range.

the sensors are SS caps, so i hope i can solder on some SS tube to extend their depth and range.. i intend to use a hot air soldering station flux and solder paste when i can borrow the kit.. meanwhile i can refine the code..
if i kill a sensor i will try a mechanical connection but that wont be as reliable as a thin solder point electrically.

and if that fails i can cut a slot in the plastic patio pots to slide the sensor in 1/2 way down ;)