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Cython: How to compile to 32bit Windows with MinGW gcc? - Printable Version

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Cython: How to compile to 32bit Windows with MinGW gcc? - PythonABC - May-21-2018

I converted my Python code with Cython to c code.
To convert the c code to an executable I use the gcc
of "MinGW-w64 - for 32 and 64 bit Windows".

The compilation to a working 64bit Windows exe works but
not to a working 32bit Windows exe. This is what I have
done so far:

I downloaded MinGW from

On their site they write: "MinGW-w64 - for 32 and 64 bit Windows"
Also I cannot find there a special MinGW32 version.
So I assume the MinGW64 gcc compiler can compile to 64 AND 32 bit Windows.

I used Cython to convert my py to a c file.

I installed Python 3.7 64 bit in C:\Python37 and Python 3.7 32 bit in C:\Python37-32bit

The following works and I get a 64bit exe that I can start without errors:

gcc -Wl,--subsystem,windows -municode -DMS_WIN64 -mthreads -Wall -O -IC:\Python37\include -LC:\Python37\libs example.c -lpython37 -o example.exe

(The -Wl,--subsystem,windows is to prevent a Dos windows.)

I read the parameter m32 in gcc is to get a 32 bit exe. So I tried this:

gcc -Wl,--subsystem,windows -m32 -municode -DMS_WIN64 -mthreads -Wall -O -IC:\Python37-32bit\include -LC:\Python37-32bit\libs example.c -lpython37 -o example.exe

I get no compile error. But if I start the example.exe I get a windows with this error message:

(Tried to translate my German message to English:)

example.exe - Application error
The application couldn't started correctly (0xc000007b).
Click on 'OK' to close the application. OK

Also I tested it with -m32 but without -Wl,--subsystem,windows if there are side effects
because both parameter have to do with Windows. But then I get the same error message
if I start example.exe.

I use tkinter in my program. Can that be a reason I get an error message if
I start the 32bit Windows example.exe?

This is my program that I converted to a c file
with Cython an then to exe with the gcc of MinGW:

#Example (Hello, World):
import tkinter

tk = tkinter.Tk()
frame = tkinter.Frame(tk, relief="ridge", borderwidth=2)
label = tkinter.Label(frame, text="Hallo Welt!")
button = tkinter.Button(frame,text="OK",command=tk.destroy)

So anybody knows why I can compile to a working 64 bit exe
with MinGW gcc but not to a working 32 bit exe?

What have I to do to get a working 32 bit exe with MinGW gcc?