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EYE LID RIG / PHYTON ERROR - Printable Version

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EYE LID RIG / PHYTON ERROR - everend - Jun-18-2018

Hello, I am in a process of doing an eye lid rigging. As I was following this note I run into a problem with phyton script.

HERE is a script. Blush

# Create center locator in center of eye and call it 'center'
# Select top then bottom verts then run:
import maya.cmds as mc
from maya import cmds , OpenMaya

center= 'center'
vtx =, fl=1)
for v in vtx:
jnt = mc.joint(n='lid'+v+'')
pos = mc.xform ( v, q=1, ws=1, t=1)
mc.xform(jnt, ws=1, t=pos)
posC= mc.xform(center, q=1, ws=1, t=1)
mc.xform (jntC, ws=1, t=posC)
mc.parent(jnt, jntC)
#orient joints
mc.joint (jntC, e=1, oj='xyz', secondaryAxisOrient='yup', ch=1, zso=1)

##Group and rename each

#### Aim locator setup:
## Create up vector from Center and call it 'L_eyeUpVec_LOC'
##Select joint tips and run: (same for both top and bottom)
sel = (sl=1)
for s in sel:
loc =mc.spaceLocator()[0]
pos =mc.xform(s, q=1, ws=1, t=1)
mc.xform(loc, ws=1, t=pos)
par=mc.listRelatives(s, p=1,)[0]
mc.aimConstraint(loc, par, mo=1, weight=1, aimVector= (1,0,0), upVector = (0,1,0), worldUpType='object', worldUpObject='L_eyeUpVec_LOC' )
#Group locators together and rename

###### Curve create section:
#### RUN THIS FIRST ######
def getUParam( pnt = [], crv = None):
point = OpenMaya.MPoint(pnt[0],pnt[1],pnt[2])
curveFn = OpenMaya.MFnNurbsCurve(getDagPath(crv))
isOnCurve = curveFn.isPointOnCurve(point)
if isOnCurve == True:

curveFn.getParamAtPoint(point , paramPtr,0.001,OpenMaya.MSpace.kObject )
else :
point = curveFn.closestPoint(point,paramPtr,0.001,OpenMaya.MSpace.kObject)
curveFn.getParamAtPoint(point , paramPtr,0.001,OpenMaya.MSpace.kObject )

param = paramUtill.getDouble(paramPtr)
return param
def getDagPath( objectName):

if isinstance(objectName, list)==True:
for o in objectName:
selectionList = OpenMaya.MSelectionList()
oNode = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
selectionList.getDagPath(0, oNode)
return oNodeList
selectionList = OpenMaya.MSelectionList()
oNode = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
selectionList.getDagPath(0, oNode)
return oNode
####create LINEAR curve with one point PER locator (both top and bottom)

[b]##select locators then run:
#Shapename of curve VVVV
crv= 'uplidCurveShape'
for s in sel:
pos=mc.xform(s, q=1, ws=1, t=1)
u = getUParam(pos, crv)
#create point on curve node. Make sure Locators have suffix of _LOX
name= s.replace('_LOC', '_PCI')
pci= mc.createNode('pointOnCurveInfo', n=name)
mc.connectAttr(crv+'.worldSpace', pci+'.inputCurve')
mc.setAttr(pci+'.parameter', u)
mc.connectAttr(pci+'.position', s+'.t')
##### rename curve to high for high density.[/b]
#Next Create lo resolution curve to drive the higher res Curve
# Create 5 point curve using cubic. Corners, 1 middle and 2 supportive.
#After Creating curve manually fit the curve to match the higher resolution curve.
#rename it to low

#Select the high then the lower and then create a Wire deformer

# Create circle controls for main an secondary controls
# have a zero group inserted.
# position controls at the same postion as the low res cv's.
# Name controls appropriately and give them color
# group them together.
#Add an 0-1 integer attribute to main top and bottom controls called 'secondaryCnt'
# connect this new attribute to the secondary controls visiblity

#create joints for each secondary and main control
#name joints appropriately
#Skin low resolution curve to joints created.

#Point constraint joints to controls.
#Create parent constraint group for secondary controls that is point constrainted between
# main top/bottom controls and the corners.

# Create smart blink setup:
# Duplicate the lo res uplid curve and name it blink_Crv
# Select the (lower res) uplid curve, lolid curve and finally the new blink curve and create blendshape.
# Add a 0-1 interger attribute on the main uplid control called smartBlinkHeight
#Connect the smartblinkheight attribute to the blendshape and then reverse for the other curve shape.

# duplicate both upper and lower high resolution curves and rename them blink

#set the blink height to the highest position
#Then create a wire deformer between the High resolution blink curve and the blink height as the driver.
# set the scale attribute in the wire deformer to be 0
# do the same for the lower lid curve
# change the order of operation for the curve to have the wire under the blendshape.
##Add 0-1 interger attribute on both upper and lower main lid controls called 'smartBlink'
# Hook atribute to blensshape thank blinks the curves.
# weight eye and complete.

Wall Wall Wall Wall

HERE is an error

# Error: NameError: file <maya console> line 2: name 'mc' is not defined

line 83-103

I have absoulutly zero knowladge of how to solve phyton error. HELP AND SOS