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Hotel problem from substitute. - Printable Version

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Hotel problem from substitute. - Owen89Northam - Jun-27-2018

Hello all!

Doing beginner python, could I please have any feedback on the specific steps I will need to take to write this program, any functions, etc I should use, any examples for any parts, also some pseudocode tips for it, anything I need to know to tackle this as I do not know where to start! Cheers! Wink

The managers of Crawdale Hotel Group have decided to update their customer loyalty scheme. Customers joining the scheme become silver members. Customers are upgraded to gold members when they have booked 30 nights’ accommodation and to platinum once they reach 100 nights. Silver members receive 2500 loyalty points per night booked, gold members receive 3000 points and platinum members 4000 points. The data is stored as a text file. The data in this table is provided in the SampleData2017.txt file.
Member ID Surname Year joined Membership status
Nights booked
Points balance Gri33415 Griffiths 2015 Gold 35 40000
Smi22316 Smith 2016 Silver 3 7500
Mia56213 Miah 2013 Platinum 140 165000
All78915 Allen 2015 Platinum 120 145000
Hug91714 Huggett 2014 Platinum 150 50000
Sel77617 Selby 2017 Gold 40 45000
San55614 Santus 2014 Silver 12 30000
Lee44213 Leewah 2013 Silver 15 37500
The loyalty points can be redeemed for nights at the hotels. A night costs 25000 points.
Requirements The managers want a computer program to help them operate the scheme efficiently. The program must allow hotel staff to add new members to the scheme, record nights booked and points redeemed. It must also update a member’s points balance each time they book nights or redeem points, upgrade their membership status when appropriate and allow the number and status of the members to be monitored. The number of nights in a single booking must be limited to a maximum of 14. The program must allocate a unique ID to each new member consisting of the first three letters of their surname, plus a three-digit number, followed by the last two digits of the current year. Your task is to analyse these requirements and to design, implement, test and evaluate a solution. You will need to make some assumptions and decisions of your own.

And the tasks:
Stage 2 Design (18 marks) Algorithms (12 marks) Design algorithms, using pseudo-code or flowcharts, which show a logical solution to each sub-problem. You should include inputs, processes, outputs, validation checks and the programming constructs that you will use when you produce your program. You should show how the algorithms will link together and lead to an overall solution. Save your algorithms in the Report folder as a file called Design. Initial test plan (6 marks) You should complete the relevant sections of the test plan template provided to produce an initial test plan that will demonstrate your strategy for testing your solution. Save your initial test plan in the Report folder as a file called TestPlan. Save a copy of TestPlan in the Report folder as a file called TestTable, to be used in stages 3 and 4.

Stage 3 Implementation (24 marks) You should translate your design into a program. Ensure that your program is clear and easy to understand. Add the results of any tests carried out during the implementation stage to the TestTable file. Save the updated TestTable file. You should provide evidence showing how you debugged your program. Save your evidence in the Report folder as a file called Debugging. Create a subfolder called Implementation in the Report folder. Save your source code and all the files required to execute the program in the subfolder.
Stage 4 Testing, Refining and Evaluation (12 marks) You should complete the TestTable file by adding any further tests carried out at this stage, including the results of re-testing following the correction of any errors. Save the completed TestTable file. Evaluate your solution by explaining how well your program meets each of the requirements that you identified in your analysis and describing any refinements that you made to your program during design and implementation. Save your evaluation in the Report folder as a file called Evaluation.

Northants Sch.

RE: Hotel problem from substitute. - micseydel - Jun-27-2018

I didn't read past "Cheers!" other than not seeing any code. We would be delighted to help, but because we get too many people who essentially want us to do their homework for them, we need to see some effort from you first. This isn't to say that you're guilty of this, but our policy is always for posters to give their task a try and then to ask a specific question once they get stuck.

RE: Hotel problem from substitute. - woooee - Jun-28-2018

+1 I didn't read your post either because 1) there was no code 2) you posted the entire question without any effort to solve it, not code with a specific problem in a specific part of the question.

RE: Hotel problem from substitute. - Zombie_Programming - Jun-28-2018

I'm willing to help if you show a bit of effort on your end. Also try to consolidate your post to a couple of questions you have and build from there.