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Using if statement without object - Printable Version

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Using if statement without object - vv0bbLeS - Aug-27-2018

Hello all,

I've been using PowerShell for years but am brand new to Python. I'm trying to figure out if I can use an If statement without a specifically defined variable. For instance, the following throws an error:

import re

If re.match("he","hellostring")):
In PowerShell, I could use the $() special operator to cast a statement as a variable, and I'm wondering what I need to do to make the above If statement work, or if i need to assign the re.match() statement to a variable and then put the variable in the If statement?

Apologies for any errors in this post's format, my first one on this site. Big Grin

RE: Using if statement without object - Gribouillis - Aug-27-2018

Why should the statement work? You're writing If instead of if and there is an extra closing parenthesis...

RE: Using if statement without object - vv0bbLeS - Aug-28-2018


Totally missed the extra parenthesis, and apparently I'm still getting used to case-sensitive languages. Thanks!