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[Kivy] Program ending unexpectedly without output - Printable Version

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Program ending unexpectedly without output - test - Nov-09-2018

I just started learning to use kivy. I copied an example from the docs into nano, but it doesn't show any output and terminates on its own.

Here is the code:

import kivy
kivy.require ('1.10.1')

from import App
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput

class Login(GridLayout):
	def __init__(self, **kwargs):
		super(Login, self).__init__(**kwargs)
		self.cols = 2
		self.username = TextInput(multiline=False)
		self.password = TextInput(multiline=False, password=True)

class MyApp(App):
	def build(self):
		return Login()
#        return Label(text='Hello world!')

if __name__ == '__main__':
the output in the console is the following:
[INFO ] [Logger ] Record log in /home/comp/.kivy/logs/kivy_18-11-09_6.txt [INFO ] [Kivy ] v1.10.1 [INFO ] [Python ] v3.6.5 (default, Apr 1 2018, 05:46:30) [GCC 7.3.0] [INFO ] [Factory ] 194 symbols loaded [INFO ] [Image ] Providers: img_tex, img_dds, img_sdl2, img_pil, img_gif (img_ffpyplayer ignored) [INFO ] [Text ] Provider: pil(['text_sdl2'] ignored)
where am i making the mistake?? Huh

RE: Program ending unexpectedly without output - j.crater - Nov-09-2018

Have you followed the installation instructions closesly? Especially point #2, if you are using Windows.

RE: Program ending unexpectedly without output - test - Nov-11-2018

Sorry for a bad post. I made a mistake while typing code out.
Here is the working code.
Thank you :)

from import App
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from import ListProperty

class RootWidget(BoxLayout):
	def __init__ (self, **kwargs):
		super(RootWidget, self).__init__ ( **kwargs)
		self.add_widget(Button(text='btn 1'))
		cb = CustomBtn()

		self.add_widget(Button(text='btn 2'))
	def btn_pressed(self, instance, pos):
		print ('pos: printed from root widget {pos}'.format(pos=pos))

class CustomBtn(Widget):
	pressed = ListProperty([0, 0])

	def on_touch_down(self, touch):
		if self.collide_point( *touch.pos):
			self.pressed = touch.pos
			# we consumed the touch. return False here to propagate
			# the touch further to the children.
			return True
		return super(CustomBtn, self).on_touch_down(touch)

	def on_pressed(self, instance, pos):
		print ('pressed at {pos}'.format(pos=pos))

class TestApp(App):
	def build(self):
		return RootWidget()

if __name__ == '__main__':