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Tkinter refresh - Printable Version

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Tkinter refresh - eduardoforo - Nov-13-2018

def selmunicipio():
    top = tk.Toplevel()
    top.title("Selección de Municipio")
    for i in listamunicipios:
        if y<=30:
            tk.Radiobutton(top,text=i,variable=municipio,value=i).grid(row=y, column=0, sticky='w')
            tk.Radiobutton(top,text=i,variable=municipio,value=i).grid(row=y-29, column=1, sticky='w')
    button = tk.Button(top, text="Elige y pulsa aquí", command=top.destroy)
    button.grid(row=1, column=0)
tk.Entry(raiz, textvariable=municipio, validate='focus', validatecommand=selmunicipio).grid(row=11, column=1, sticky='w,e', padx=5, pady=5)
When I focus on the Entry, a window is displayed, I choose an option, I press a button and it appears in the Entry.
But once the operation is done, when I return to focus, the window does no appears again.
How can I restart the Entry?


RE: Tkinter refresh - Larz60+ - Nov-13-2018

Your Toplevel windows scope is only in selmunicipio
once you exit this function, the window is no longer in scope and will be garbage collected
to avoid this, define top outside of function, or use a class, with top defined in the __init__

RE: Tkinter refresh - woooee - Nov-14-2018

At y=40, the radiobutton will overlay the Entry. Try putting the Entry in column 3 and see what happens. Note you are using municipio for both the radiobuttons and the Entry. No telling what happens. Sorry, but I don't have any idea what you are trying to do.

RE: Tkinter refresh - eduardoforo - Nov-14-2018

The problem is that I have to put some widget with 60 elements. Once the element has been selected, the screen must appear.
The Optionmenu goes away from the screen and I have not managed to limit the number of elements shown and put a scrollbar.
What alternatives do I have?

RE: Tkinter refresh - woooee - Nov-14-2018

What do yo use the Entry for?
import sys
if 3 == sys.version_info[0]: ## 3.X is default if dual system
    import tkinter as tk     ## Python 3.x
    import Tkinter as tk     ## Python 2.x

def show_choice():
    ent.delete(0, "end")

def selmunicipio():
    top = tk.Toplevel()
    top.title("Selección de Municipio")

##    for i in listamunicipios:
    for ctr in range(30):
        tk.Radiobutton(top,text=ctr+1,variable=v, command=show_choice,
                       value=ctr+1).grid(row=ctr+1, column=0, sticky='w')
        tk.Radiobutton(top,text=ctr+31,variable=v, command=show_choice,
                       value=ctr+31).grid(row=ctr+1, column=1, sticky='w')
    button = tk.Button(top, text="Elige y pulsa aquí", command=top.destroy)
    button.grid(row=100, column=0)

ent=tk.Entry(root, bg="lightblue")
tk.Button(root, text="Quit", command=root.quit).grid(row=100)