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Unable to Install Python - Printable Version

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Unable to Install Python - sniderkeith - Nov-26-2018

Hi all,

I'm having difficulties trying to install Python whether in 32 bit or 64 bit.

Appreciate if someone from the forum can advice me.

Attached the link for the log file as below.

Log File

Thank you.

RE: Unable to Install Python - buran - Nov-26-2018

Check this tutorial and follow it to the letter

RE: Unable to Install Python - snippsat - Nov-26-2018

Run installation as Administrator(right click run as Administrator).
Also try both ways with checked and unchecked v Install launcher for all user(Recommended).

RE: Unable to Install Python - mikemonagle - Nov-26-2018

I'm sorry I can't give you an answer to your problem, but after looking at your log file, it does seem that running as administrator would help (unable to create restore point, unable to create various folders).

I also am having problems installing Python. I would be interested in how you obtained your log file. Will there be a file named Python[some version number and other stuff].log file on my computer after attempting this? Thanks!

RE: Unable to Install Python - LCK - Dec-24-2018

Dear Sir,

I am new in Python, I would like to install Python 3.7 in my computer. My computer is window 10 Prox but I am not sure how to install the python and which file should install. Please advise

[Image: windows]

RE: Unable to Install Python - buran - Dec-24-2018

If on 64-bit - download python 3.7 64-bit executable installer
if on 32-bit - download python 3.7 32 bit executable installer

then follow this tutorial