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how to get vairable to sort with list? - Printable Version

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how to get vairable to sort with list? - DouTh - Jan-07-2019

analyst = list([304, 213, 175, 379, 572, 801, 630])


analyst[0] = "Monday "
analyst[1] = "Tuesday "
analyst[2] = "Wednesday "
analyst[3] = "Thursday "
analyst[4] = "Friday "
analyst[5] = "Saturday "
analyst[6] = "Sunday "


# i am trying to get two types of information, first the list from monday - sunday with numbers from each day
# the secound print i am trying to get the list with numbers sorted from lowest to highest and the variable with string sorted from lowest to highest
# i get the variable to go from a - z in order but i want them to follow the same order as the list

RE: how to get vairable to sort with list? - buran - Jan-07-2019

Note that what you do is to replace the values in the original list, i.e. you have lost the numbers.

values = list([304, 213, 175, 379, 572, 801, 630])
weekdays = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']

# data as list of tuples
data = list(zip(values, weekdays))

data = list(zip(weekdays, values))
print(sorted(data, key=lambda x: x[1]))

from operator import itemgetter
print(sorted(data, key=itemgetter(1)))

# data as dict
data = dict(zip(weekdays, values))
print(sorted(data.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]))
# or alternatives
print(dict(sorted(data.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]))) # as of 3.7 order of insertion of dict elements is preserved
print(sorted(data.items(), key=itemgetter(1)))
print(dict(sorted(data.items(), key=itemgetter(1))))

# now going fancy with namedtuple from collections
from collections import namedtuple

Record =  namedtuple('Record', ['day', 'value'])
data = [Record(day, value) for day, value in zip(weekdays, values)]
print(sorted(data, key=lambda x: (x.value,
[(175, 'Wednesday'), (213, 'Tuesday'), (304, 'Monday'), (379, 'Thursday'), (572, 'Friday'), (630, 'Sunday'), (801, 'Saturday')] [('Wednesday', 175), ('Tuesday', 213), ('Monday', 304), ('Thursday', 379), ('Fri day', 572), ('Sunday', 630), ('Saturday', 801)] [('Wednesday', 175), ('Tuesday', 213), ('Monday', 304), ('Thursday', 379), ('Fri day', 572), ('Sunday', 630), ('Saturday', 801)] [('Wednesday', 175), ('Tuesday', 213), ('Monday', 304), ('Thursday', 379), ('Fri day', 572), ('Sunday', 630), ('Saturday', 801)] {'Wednesday': 175, 'Tuesday': 213, 'Monday': 304, 'Thursday': 379, 'Friday': 572 , 'Sunday': 630, 'Saturday': 801} [('Wednesday', 175), ('Tuesday', 213), ('Monday', 304), ('Thursday', 379), ('Fri day', 572), ('Sunday', 630), ('Saturday', 801)] {'Wednesday': 175, 'Tuesday': 213, 'Monday': 304, 'Thursday': 379, 'Friday': 572 , 'Sunday': 630, 'Saturday': 801} [Record(day='Wednesday', value=175), Record(day='Tuesday', value=213), Record(da y='Monday', value=304), Record(day='Thursday', value=379), Record(day='Friday', value=572), Record(day='Sunday', value=630), Record(day='Saturday', value=801)] >>>