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Dijkstra code - trying to simplify it - Printable Version

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Dijkstra code - trying to simplify it - grandpapa10 - Jan-23-2019

Hello again peeps,

After hours struggling with my other code, I decided to start from scratch again.
I finally came up with a code that finds the shortest path in a graph.

Yet, I'm still not satisfied with it since it's too verbose and lacks the original intent. That is, the intent of implementing
the Dijkstra Algorithm in the most simple way as possible.

I'd love to get some suggestions !

In [1]:
from collections import defaultdict

#edges = paths from_node = start_n to_node = end_n weight = distance

class Graph():
    def __init__(self):
        self.paths = defaultdict(list)
        self.distance = {}

    def path_maker(self, start_n, end_n, distance):
        self.distance[(start_n, end_n)] = distance
        self.distance[(end_n, start_n)] = distance
graph = Graph()
paths = [

    ("WilliamWatt", "Volgershall", 1.1),

    ("WilliamWatt", "LeuphanaCampus", 3.9),

    ("WilliamWatt", "AmSande", 3.2),

    ("Volgershall", "AmSande", 2.8),

    ("Volgershall", "CityHall", 2),

    ("AmSande", "LeuphanaCampus", 2.6),

    ("AmSande", "CityHall", 2.5),

    ("AmSande", "TrainStation", 1.7),

    ("AmSande", "RotesFeld", 0.9),

    ("RotesFeld", "LeuphanaCampus", 1.7),

    ("RotesFeld", "TrainStation", 2.1),
    ("TrainStation", "CityHall", 2.6)


for edge in edges:
def pathfinder(graph, start, end):
    shortcut = {start: (None, 0)}
    location = start
    passed_by = set()
    while location != end:
        pathways = graph.edges[location]
        distance_location = shortcut[location][1]

        for neighbor in pathways:
            distance = graph.weights[(location, neighbor)] + distance_location
            if neighbor not in shortcut:
                shortcut[neighbor] = (location, distance)
                actual_distance = shortcut[neighbor][1]
                if actual_distance > distance:
                    shortcut[neighbor] = (location, distance)
        following_nodes = {x: shortcut[x] for x in shortcut if x not in passed_by}
        location = min(following_nodes, key=lambda y: following_nodes[y][1])
    # Work back through destinations in shortest path
    kpfad = []
    while location is not None:
        neighbor = shortcut[location][0]
        location = neighbor
    # Reverse path
    kpfad = kpfad[::-1]
    return kpfad
In [5]:
pathfinder(graph, 'TrainStation', 'WilliamWatt')
Output :
['TrainStation', 'AmSande', 'WilliamWatt']
By the way, Im using Python 3 and Im running the code in the Jupyter Notebook!

Thanks a lot in advance

RE: Dijkstra code - trying to simplify it - Larz60+ - Jan-23-2019

Please do not post new thread on same subject.
Forum rule: Do Not make A
Quote:new redundant thread on your same question. If someone has told you to include more information, edit your original post or create a new post in your thread. If you don't like the answer, talk about it.