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Python Project - moga2003 - Mar-02-2019

For my Project, we are having to create a TextAnalyzer class. This is my first try at creating anything this large, and I have confused myself.

Right now I am stuck on def avg_word_length. No matter what I do, it gives me an error. What I have written now, has a type error, but after multiple attempts of trying to fix it, I have almost given up. Is there an issue in the code above that needs to be fixed that I can't see?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Before I become bald, and lose my sanity.

Thank you.

import requests, re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from collections import Counter
import statistics as stats
import string

import operator
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class TextAnalyzer:
    "A Text Analyzer"
    def __init__(self, src, src_type='discover'):   
        """Creates a object for analyzing text
        Keyword arguments:
        src (str) -- text, path to file, or url
        src_type (str) -- The type of input (text, path, url, discover)"""
        if isinstance(src, str) == False or len(src) <= 0:
            raise exception('Source must be a valid string, filepath or a valid URL')

        self._src = src
        self._src_type = src_type
        self._content = None
        self._origin_content = None
    def get_values(self):
        if self._src.endswith('.txt'):
            self._src_type = 'path'
            self._content = self._orig_content=self.read_file(self._src)
        elif self._src.startswith('http'):
            self._src_type = 'url'
            r = requests.get(self._src)
            res = r.content
            self._orig_content = r.text
            self._content = res
            self._src_type = 'text'
            self._orig_content = self._src
            self._content = self._src

    def set_content_to_tag(self, tag, tag_id=None):
        """Changes _content to the text within a specific element of an HTML document.
            Keyword arguments:
                tag (str) -- Tag to read
                tag_id (str) -- ID of tag to read
            It's possible the HTML does not contain the tag being searched. 
            You should use exception handling to catch any errors."""
        soup = BeautifulSoup(self._orig_content, 'html.parser')
        content = soup.find('{}'.format(tag),{'id':'{}'.format(tag_id)})
        if content == None:
            raise Exception ("Tag or attribute does not exist")
        self._content = content.getText()

    def reset_content(self):
        """Resets _content to full text that was originally loaded. Useful after a call to set_content_to_tag()."""

    def _words(self, casesensitive = False):
        """Returns words in _content as list.
            Keyword arguments:
            casesensitive (bool) -- If False makes all words uppercase."""
        words = ''
        if casesensitive == False:
            i = 0
            self._content = len(words)
            while i < self._content:
                words[i] = [word.strip(string.punctuation) for word in words[i]].upper()
            i += 1
        return words

    def common_words(self, minlen=1, maxlen=100, count=10, casesensitive=False):
        """Returns a list of 2-element tuples of the structure (word, num), where num is the number of times word shows up in _content.
            Keyword arguments:
            minlen (int) - Minimum length of words to include.
            maxlen (int) - Maximum length of words to include.
            count (int) - Number of words to include.
            casesensitive (bool) -- If False makes all words uppercase"""
        word_list= self._words()
        min_max_words = [item for item in word_list if len(item) >= minlen and len(item) <= maxlen]
        com_words= Counter(min_max_words)
        list_com_words= sorted(com_words.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)

        return list_com_words[:count]
    def char_distribution(self, casesensitive=False, letters_only=False):
        """Returns a list of 2-element tuples of the format (char, num), where num is the number of times char shows up in _content. The list should be sorted by num in descending order.
            Keyword arguments:
            casesensitive (bool) -- Consider case?
            letters_only (bool) -- Exclude non-letters?"""
        str_words = ''.join(self._words(casesensitive))
        if letters_only == True:
            str_words = (re.sub('[_\W\d]+', '', str_words))
        char_list = Counter(str_words)
        chars_list= sorted(char_list.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
        return chars_list

    def plot_common_words(self, minlen=1, maxlen=100, count=10, casesensitive=False):
        """Plots most common words.
            Keyword arguments:
            minlen (int) -- Minimum length of words to include.
            maxlen (int) -- Maximum length of words to include.
            count (int) -- Number of words to include.
            casesensitive (bool) -- If False makes all words uppercase."""
        word_list= self._words()
        word_list = [word.strip(string.punctuation) for word in word_list]
        min_max_words = [item for item in w_list if len(item) >= minlen and len(item) <= maxlen]
        com_words= Counter(min_max_words)
        list_com_words= sorted(com_words.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
        most_com_words= list_com_words[:count]
        keys1 = []
        values1 = []
        for item in most_com_words:
       , values1, tick_label=keys1)
        # plt.savefig('bar.png')
        plt.title("Common Words")

    def plot_char_distribution(self, casesensitive=False, letters_only=False):
        """Plots character distribution.
            Keyword arguments:
            casesensitive (bool) -- If False makes all words uppercase.
            letters_only (bool) -- Exclude non-letters?"""
        char_dist=self.char_distribution(casesensitive, letters_only)
        keys1 = []
        values1 = []
        for item in char_dist:
                           , values1, tick_label=keys1)
        plt.title("Character Distribution")

    def avg_word_length(self):
        "Average word length"
        word= ''
        for char in '-.,\n':
            word = word.replace(char, ' ')
        word = word.lower()
        word_list = text.split()
        d = {}

        for word in word_list:
            if word not in d:
                d[word] = 0
                d[word] += 1
        average_word_length = sum(word)/len(word_list)
        return average_word_length('%.2f'%length)
    def distinct_word_count(self):
        "Number of distinct words in content"
        dis_words = Counter(self._words())
        return len(dis_words)

    def positivity(self):
        tally = 0
        words= self._words()
        neg_word_list= self.read_file('negative.txt', 'rb').split()
        neg_word_list = [item.decode('UTF-8') for item in neg_word_list]
        pos_word_list = self.read_file('positive.txt', 'r').split()
        for item in words:
            if item in pos_word_list: tally = tally + 1
            if item in neg_word_list: tally = tally -1
        return (round(tally / self.word_count * 1000))
    def word_count(self):
        "Number of words in content including repeats, in all uppercase letters."
        return len(self._words())

    def words(self):
        return self._words()

text = '''The outlook wasn't brilliant for the Mudville Nine that day;
the score stood four to two, with but one inning more to play.
And then when Cooney died at first, and Barrows did the same,
a sickly silence fell upon the patrons of the game.'''
url = ''
path = "pride-and-prejudice.txt"

#ta = TextAnalyzer(url)
#ta = TextAnalyzer(text)
# print(ta._src)
# print(ta._src_type)
# print(ta._orig_content)
#ta.set_content_to_tag('div' ,'device-xs visible-xs')
# ta.reset_content()
# print(ta._content)
#print("words", ta.words)
print("word_count", ta.word_count)
print("distinct_word_count", ta.distinct_word_count)
print("avg_word_length", ta.avg_word_length)
print("positivity", ta.positivity)
print(ta.common_words(minlen=5, maxlen=10))
print("plot", ta.plot_common_words(minlen=5, maxlen=10))
print("plot", ta.plot_char_distribution(letters_only=True))
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-69-b3890944cb29> in <module>() 233 print("word_count", ta.word_count) 234 print("distinct_word_count", ta.distinct_word_count) --> 235 print("avg_word_length", ta.avg_word_length) 236 print("positivity", ta.positivity) 237 print(ta.common_words(minlen=5, maxlen=10)) <ipython-input-69-b3890944cb29> in avg_word_length(self) 176 #words_list = [len(word) for word in words_list] 177 --> 178 average_word_length = sum(word)/len(word_list) 179 180 return average_word_length('%.2f'%length) TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

RE: Python Project - ichabod801 - Mar-02-2019

This is rather confusing. You've posted a ton of code, it's good to try to narrow down what you are posting to a small bit of working code that reproduces the problem. Also, your code doesn't match up to your error. That is, line 178 in the error is not line 178 in the code you posted.

It looks like you want to uncomment line 176 (in the error), and then use sum(word_list) in line 178. But it is hard to tell.

RE: Python Project - moga2003 - Mar-02-2019

ichabod801 - Yes, I posted the whole code (it is a lot), because I am not 100% sure that I missed something in the code previous to the error that could be contributing to my issue.
I did not realize that the commented out line was in the traceback error, my mistake. I have asked that the error be updated to reflect the correct line number. I removed it when I posted the code, but forgot it still showed in the traceback error.