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bind hover on tkinter.ttk.Treeview - Printable Version

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bind hover on tkinter.ttk.Treeview - Larz60+ - Jan-21-2017

I have been trying to find an example that shows how to bind mouse over Treeview cell without much success.
I thought that '<Enter>' could be used, but that is on the widget level, not the cell level
Perhaps I am not working my search correctly, but I can't find a single example or discussion on the subject
I can't remember all that I have tried, but the one I thought would work was 'hover + tkinter.ttk.Treeview'

This looked promising (and still may be), but the entry for Treeview, has no mention of active color. However,
there is mention in spinbox, and other widgets, and I haven't tried that, so I will do that next.

In the mean time, if anyone has an example, I'd love to see it.

Thanks Larry

RE: bind hover on tkinter.ttk.Treeview - hugo_chillon - May-19-2017

import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk

class TreeBuilder():

    def __init__(self, parent):
        self.parent = parent

    def build(self):

        self.tree = ttk.Treeview(self.parent)

        self.tree.column("one", width=100 )
        self.tree.column("two", width=100)
        self.tree.heading("one", text="coulmn A")
        self.tree.heading("two", text="column B")

        self.tree.insert("" , 0,    text="Line 1", values=("1A","1b"))

        id2 = self.tree.insert("", 1, "dir2", text="Dir 2")
        self.tree.insert(id2, "end", "dir 2", text="sub dir 2", values=("2A","2B"))

        # or alternatively:
        self.tree.insert("", 3, "dir3", text="Dir 3")
        self.tree.insert("dir3", 3, text=" sub dir 3",values=("3A"," 3B"))

        # Here begins the key step
        self.tree.tag_configure('focus', background='yellow')
        self.tree.bind("<Motion>", self.mycallback)

        self.last_focus = None

        # ................................................

    def mycallback(self, event):

        _iid = self.tree.identify_row(event.y)

        if _iid != self.last_focus:
            if self.last_focus:
                self.tree.item(self.last_focus, tags=[])
            self.tree.item(_iid, tags=['focus'])
            self.last_focus = _iid

if __name__=='__main__':

    root = tk.Tk()
    tree = TreeBuilder(root)

RE: bind hover on tkinter.ttk.Treeview - Larz60+ - May-20-2017

Now if I could ever remember what I was writing in January.
I'll will use this!

RE: bind hover on tkinter.ttk.Treeview - hugo_chillon - May-20-2017

Sorry. Perhaps too late, but I found your question 2 days ago, when I was looking for a solution for the same problem.

RE: bind hover on tkinter.ttk.Treeview - Larz60+ - May-20-2017

Don't be sorry, need to keep on learning. This is a common enough thing that I will be
using it again soon.