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[Tkinter] Finishing GUI calculator project - Printable Version

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Finishing GUI calculator project - benybeastboy - Mar-28-2019

I wrote this code but i need help with finishing it, i cant get the button to complete the equation, im net to python and coding btw..
from tkinter import *
master = Tk()


Label(master, text="Number 1:").grid(row=0, column=0)
Label(master, text="Number 2:").grid(row=1, column=0)
Label(master, text="Operator:").grid(row=2, column=0)

num1 = Entry(master).grid(row=0, column=1)
num2 = Entry(master).grid(row=1, column=1)
operator = Entry(master).grid(row=2, column=1)
enter = Button(master, text="Enter").grid(row=3, column=1)

times = (num1 *  num2)
minus = (num1 -  num2)
divide = (num1 /  num2)
plus = (num1 +  num2)

if enter == true:
    if operator == "*":
    if operator == "-":
    if operator == "/":
    if operator == "+":


RE: Finishing GUI calculator project - Larz60+ - Mar-29-2019

you should use buttons for entry. You've already got tkinter installed, and buttons will solve a lot of issues.
Also, if you use a class, you won't have to worry about callbacks.
There's a lot missing in your code, and structure isn't correct.
You should look at the docs at least for the widgets that you are using here:
for example, you must use either a 'command' attribute, or a bind instruction in order for the button to execute a command.
And you need to 'get' the text value of the Entry widget.

Here's a simple Button example
import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

def clicked():
    print('Button clicked')

def make_button():
    # notice there is no () after clicked because we want reference to clicked routine,
    # and if () were added, it would be executed immediately
    btn = tk.Button(root, text='Push Me', command=clicked)



RE: Finishing GUI calculator project - 4096 - Apr-02-2019

You can bound an Entry to a tkinter variable to get the value in Entry. For example:

num1var = tk.DoubleVar()
num1 = Entry(master, variable=num1var).grid(row=0, column=1)
then to get the value
entry1 = num1var.get()
This requires using tkinter variables. It does not work with ordinary Python variables. The tkinter variable classes are: StringVar, IntVar, DoubleVar, and BooleanVar.

RE: Finishing GUI calculator project - kkaur - Feb-26-2021

If your new to code then use a GUI Designer like ( or ( I recommend as it's more consistent. They can both generate the GUIs into Python so this will definitely save you time.