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Using Pypdf2 write a string to a pdf file - Printable Version

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Using Pypdf2 write a string to a pdf file - Pedroski55 - Apr-11-2019

I will read 130+ excel files in as lines of strings in Python. I want to write each line to a pdf. Each excel file is just 1 A5 landscape sheet. I can batch print pdfs in a bash shell easily.

I import PyPDF2

I can create a pdf or a series pdf files with:

with open(path + fileName, 'wb') as out:
but I'm too dumb to see how to write a string to this pdf. If I try to write a string variable, I just get errors. If I convert the string to bytes, I just get errors.

How do I get string into my pdf??

string = 'any old string'

RE: Using Pypdf2 write a string to a pdf file - ichabod801 - Apr-11-2019

Creating a new pdf from scratch does not appear to be something PyPDF2 does. It appears to just be for manipulating existing pdfs, such as taking pages from one or more pdfs and making a new pdf out of them. See the about page for the project.

RE: Using Pypdf2 write a string to a pdf file - Larz60+ - Apr-11-2019

ReportLab might be a better choice.

RE: Using Pypdf2 write a string to a pdf file - snippsat - Apr-11-2019

(Apr-11-2019, 03:16 PM)Larz60+ Wrote: I want to write each line to a pdf
Make each line into new a text file.
# lines.txt line 1 line 2 line 3 line 4
with open('lines.txt') as f:
    for index, line in enumerate(f, 1):
        with open(f'{index}.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f_out:
Then use eg txt2pdf.
So can write a script that find all 1.txt 2.txt ...ect,then call txt2pdf with subprocess.
import subprocess
import os

path = r'E:\div_code\pdf1/'
for file in os.scandir(path):
        #print(['python', '', '--output', f"{'.')[0]}.pdf", os.path.join(path,])
1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf 4.pdf

RE: Using Pypdf2 write a string to a pdf file - Pedroski55 - Apr-11-2019

Thank you very much! I can use that!

Question: where should I put I mean, so that when I run the python script in bash, bash will find

I think I expressed myself badly. I will read each row of each excel file as a string, then write the strings of 1 excel file to 1 pdf, so that 1 pdf contains the data of 1 excel file.

Also, I was advised to use fpdf. I have not tried this yet, ran out of time yesterday.

import fpdf #pip3 install fpdf

pdf = fpdf.FPDF(format='letter') #pdf format
pdf.add_page() #create new page
pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) # font and textsize
pdf.cell(200, 10, txt="your text", ln=1, align="L")
pdf.cell(200, 10, txt="your text", ln=2, align="L")
pdf.cell(200, 10, txt="your text", ln=3, align="L")

RE: Using Pypdf2 write a string to a pdf file - Larz60+ - Apr-11-2019

fpdf hasn't been updated since January 20, 2015
there is fpdf2 which is right up to date see:

RE: Using Pypdf2 write a string to a pdf file - snippsat - Apr-11-2019

(Apr-11-2019, 09:56 PM)Pedroski55 Wrote: Question: where should I put I mean, so that when I run the python script in bash, bash will find
Work and run all from same folder.
(Apr-11-2019, 09:56 PM)Pedroski55 Wrote: I will read each row of each excel file as a string, then write the strings of 1 excel file to 1 pdf, so that 1 pdf contains the data of 1 excel file
You still not expressed yourself clearly,when you read "each excel file as a string" do you save this to text to eg .txt files?
If all row is text files(.txt),then just run my script and all will text(.txt) files be pdf's.