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Fingerprint audio - chromaprint and get fingerprint - Printable Version

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Fingerprint audio - chromaprint and get fingerprint - alessandro87gatto - Apr-12-2019

Hi everyone,
as written in the presentation, I'm new to the forum. I'm trying to compare two audio tracks. I searched a lot on the web finding old guides like Dejavu:
Dejavu Github

I also found a very simple code that works in part, which is:

Finding fingerprint and calculating simple fuzzy similarity
@author [email protected]
Prerequisites on Ubuntu:
* Python 2.7 and pip
* FFMPEG `sudo apt install ffmpeg`
* AcoustID fingerprinter `sudo apt install acoustid-fingerprinter`
* PyAcoustID `pip install pyacoustid`
* FuzzyWuzzy `pip install fuzzywuzzy[speedup]`

import acoustid
import sys
import os
import chromaprint
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz

DIR_DATABASE = '/Desktop/music/full'
DIR_SAMPLES = '/Desktop/music/partial'

def get_fingerprint(filepath):
    Get fingerprint (list of signed integer), version, duration
    duration, fp_encoded = acoustid.fingerprint_file(filepath)
    fp, version = chromaprint.decode_fingerprint(fp_encoded)
    return fp, version, duration

def build_fingerprint_database(dirpath, file_ext='.mp3'):
    Build database from directory of audio files
    database = {}
    print('Processing {}..'.format(dirpath))
    for f in os.listdir(dirpath):
        path = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
        if os.path.isfile(path) and ext == file_ext:
            print('Getting fingerprint from database item: {}..'.format(f))
            database[f], version, duration = get_fingerprint(path)
    return database

def plot_fingerprints(db):
    Visualize fingerprints in database
    fig = plt.figure()
    numrows = len(db)
    plot_id = 1
    for name, fp in db.iteritems():
        # single column grid
        a = fig.add_subplot(numrows, 1, plot_id)
        imgplot = plt.imshow(get_fingerprint_bitmap(fp))
        plot_id += 1

def get_fingerprint_bitmap(fp):
    Plot list of uint32 as (32, len(list)) bitmap
    bitmap = np.transpose(np.array([[b == '1' for b in list('{:32b}'.format(i & 0xffffffff))] for i in fp]))
    return bitmap

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # load database and samples
    database = build_fingerprint_database(DIR_DATABASE)
    samples = build_fingerprint_database(DIR_SAMPLES)
    print("inoltro path alla funzione build_fingerprint_database")

    # find best match of each samples in database
    for sample, sample_fp in samples.iteritems():
        print('Similarity score of "{}":'.format(sample))
        best_match = None
        for name, fp in database.iteritems():
            similarity = fuzz.ratio(sample_fp, fp)
            if not best_match or best_match['score'] < similarity:
                best_match = {
                    'score': similarity,
                    'name': name
            print('{} {}%'.format(name, similarity))
        print('Best match: {name} ({score}%)\n'.format(**best_match))

    # plot database
It reads the audio tracks in the "/ full" directory but the function call does not work: "get_fingerprint(filepath)".

/Users/alessandro/PycharmProjects/chromaprint-fingerprinting/venv/bin/python /Users/alessandro/PycharmProjects/chromaprint-fingerprinting/ Processing /Users/alessandro/Desktop/music/full.. Getting fingerprint from database item: Emergency.mp3.. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/alessandro/PycharmProjects/chromaprint-fingerprinting/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 201, in fingerprint fper = chromaprint.Fingerprinter() AttributeError: module 'chromaprint' has no attribute 'Fingerprinter' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/alessandro/PycharmProjects/chromaprint-fingerprinting/", line 81, in <module> database = build_fingerprint_database(DIR_DATABASE) File "/Users/alessandro/PycharmProjects/chromaprint-fingerprinting/", line 50, in build_fingerprint_database database[f], version, duration = get_fingerprint(path) File "/Users/alessandro/PycharmProjects/chromaprint-fingerprinting/", line 33, in get_fingerprint duration, fp_encoded = acoustid.fingerprint_file(filepath) File "/Users/alessandro/PycharmProjects/chromaprint-fingerprinting/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 321, in fingerprint_file return _fingerprint_file_audioread(path, maxlength) File "/Users/alessandro/PycharmProjects/chromaprint-fingerprinting/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 264, in _fingerprint_file_audioread fp = fingerprint(f.samplerate, f.channels, iter(f), maxlength) File "/Users/alessandro/PycharmProjects/chromaprint-fingerprinting/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 212, in fingerprint except chromaprint.FingerprintError: AttributeError: module 'chromaprint' has no attribute 'FingerprintError' Process finished with exit code 1
Cannot find the Fingerprint attribute in the Chromaprint module. Tested with both PyCharm and terminal, with Python version 2.x and Python 3.x the result is the same. All packages are installed as commented in the code.

I await your kind help

RE: Fingerprint audio - chromaprint and get fingerprint - nilamo - Apr-12-2019

Those classes definitely exist. Try an interactive prompt, import chromaprint, then dir(chromaprint). Let's see what your local version actually has available.

RE: Fingerprint audio - chromaprint and get fingerprint - alessandro87gatto - Apr-12-2019

Thanks for the reply. To make my code work, how should I change it based on your suggestion? Thank you

I don't know if I did it correctly. I copied all the code that was in the link you recommended to me in the system file.

The file, previously contained:
_bg = {'black': '\033[40m',
       'white': '\033[47m',
       'magenta': '\033[45m',
       'red': '\033[41m',
       'yellow': '\033[43m',
       'green': '\033[42m',
       'cyan': '\033[46m',
       'blue': '\033[44m',
       'default': '\033[49m',
       'user_default': '\033[49m'

_fg = {'black': '\033[30m',
       'white': '\033[37m',
       'magenta': '\033[35m',
       'red': '\033[31m',
       'yellow': '\033[33m',
       'green': '\033[32m',
       'cyan': '\033[36m',
       'blue': '\033[34m',
       'default': '\033[39m',
       'user_default': '\033[39m'

_print = print  # noqa
colors = tuple(i for i in _bg.keys() if i != 'user_default')

def print(*args, bg='user_default', fg='user_default'):
    ''' Replacement print method to print in colors
    *args (str): strings to be printed. Passed as if passing to built-in print method
    bg (str): back

    _print(_bg[bg], _fg[fg], ' '.join(args), _bg['user_default'], _fg['user_default'], sep='')

def set_default(**kwargs):
    ''' Sets 'user_default' colors
    **kwargs {fg: 'color', bg: 'color'}
    _bg['user_default'] = _bg[kwargs.get('bg', 'user_default')]
    _fg['user_default'] = _fg[kwargs.get('fg', 'user_default')]
The program already starts working, no more that error, it reads all the audio tracks present in both directories: full and partial, but returns the error:

/Users/alessandro/PycharmProjects/chromaprint-fingerprinting/venv/bin/python /Users/alessandro/PycharmProjects/chromaprint-fingerprinting/ Processing /Users/alessandro/Desktop/music/full.. Getting fingerprint from database item: Emergency1.mp3.. Getting fingerprint from database item: Emergency2.mp3.. Getting fingerprint from database item: Emergency2.mp3.. Getting fingerprint from database item: Emergency4.mp3.. Getting fingerprint from database item: Emergency5.mp3.. Getting fingerprint from database item: Emergency6.mp3.mp3.. Getting fingerprint from database item: Emergency7.mp3.. Processing /Users/alessandrorosina/Desktop/music/partial.. Getting fingerprint from database item: NewSound1.mp3.. Getting fingerprint from database item: NewSound2.mp3.. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/alessandro/PycharmProjects/chromaprint-fingerprinting/", line 89, in <module> for sample, sample_fp in samples.iteritems(): AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'iteritems' inoltro path alla funzione build_fingerprint_database Process finished with exit code 1
What am I doing wrong? How can I solve the problem? Thank you

Ok, it looks like I solved it. I searched google for the error:
for sample, sample_fp in samples.iteritems(): AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'iteritems'
and I immediately found the problem: just change:
dict.iteritems -> dict.items
because we are working with Python 3

For those who want the code already working, the complete code is:

Finding fingerprint and calculating simple fuzzy similarity
Comparison of each single file in the "partial" directory with each file in the "full" directory
* Python 2.7 and pip
* FFMPEG `sudo apt install ffmpeg`
* AcoustID fingerprinter `sudo apt install acoustid-fingerprinter`
* PyAcoustID `pip install pyacoustid`
* FuzzyWuzzy `pip install fuzzywuzzy[speedup]`

import acoustid
import sys
import os
import chromaprint
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz

DIR_DATABASE = '/music/full'
DIR_SAMPLES = '/music/partial'

def get_fingerprint(filepath):
    Get fingerprint (list of signed integer), version, duration
    duration, fp_encoded = acoustid.fingerprint_file(filepath)
    fp, version = chromaprint.decode_fingerprint(fp_encoded)

    return fp, version, duration

def build_fingerprint_database(dirpath, file_ext='.mp3'):
    Build database from directory of audio files
    database = {}
    print('Processing {}..'.format(dirpath))
    for f in os.listdir(dirpath):
        path = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
        if os.path.isfile(path) and ext == file_ext:
            print('Getting fingerprint from database item: {}..'.format(f))
            database[f], version, duration = get_fingerprint(path)
    return database

def plot_fingerprints(db):
    Visualize fingerprints in database
    fig = plt.figure()
    numrows = len(db)
    plot_id = 1

    for name, fp in db.items():
        # single column grid
        a = fig.add_subplot(numrows, 1, plot_id)
        imgplot = plt.imshow(get_fingerprint_bitmap(fp))
        plot_id += 1

def get_fingerprint_bitmap(fp):
    Plot list of uint32 as (32, len(list)) bitmap
    bitmap = np.transpose(np.array([[b == '1' for b in list('{:32b}'.format(i & 0xffffffff))] for i in fp]))
    return bitmap

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # load database and samples
    database = build_fingerprint_database(DIR_DATABASE)
    samples = build_fingerprint_database(DIR_SAMPLES)
    print("inoltro path alla funzione build_fingerprint_database")

    # find best match of each samples in database
    for sample, sample_fp in samples.items():
        print('Similarity score of "{}":'.format(sample))
        best_match = None
        for name, fp in database.items():
            similarity = fuzz.ratio(sample_fp, fp)
            if not best_match or best_match['score'] < similarity:
                best_match = {
                    'score': similarity,
                    'name': name
            print('{} {}%'.format(name, similarity))
        print('Best match: {name} ({score}%)\n'.format(**best_match))

    # plot database
Rightly, we must first install all the packages listed above and modify the file that is inside the path: External Libraries, <Python 3.6 (project_name), Extended Definitions, site-packages library root, Chromaprint,

The file must contain the following lines:
# Copyright (C) 2011 Lukas Lalinsky
# (Minor modifications by Adrian Sampson.)
# Distributed under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file for details.

"""Low-level ctypes wrapper from the chromaprint library."""

import sys
import ctypes

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    BUFFER_TYPES = (memoryview, bytearray,)
elif sys.version_info[1] >= 7:
    BUFFER_TYPES = (buffer, memoryview, bytearray,)  # noqa: F821
    BUFFER_TYPES = (buffer, bytearray,)  # noqa: F821

# Find the base library and declare prototypes.

def _guess_lib_name():
    if sys.platform == 'darwin':
        return ('libchromaprint.1.dylib', 'libchromaprint.0.dylib')
    elif sys.platform == 'win32':
        return ('chromaprint.dll', 'libchromaprint.dll')
    elif sys.platform == 'cygwin':
        return ('libchromaprint.dll.a', 'cygchromaprint-1.dll',
    return ('', '')

for name in _guess_lib_name():
        _libchromaprint = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(name)
    except OSError:
    raise ImportError("couldn't find libchromaprint")

_libchromaprint.chromaprint_get_version.argtypes = ()
_libchromaprint.chromaprint_get_version.restype = ctypes.c_char_p

_libchromaprint.chromaprint_new.argtypes = (ctypes.c_int,)
_libchromaprint.chromaprint_new.restype = ctypes.c_void_p

_libchromaprint.chromaprint_free.argtypes = (ctypes.c_void_p,)
_libchromaprint.chromaprint_free.restype = None

_libchromaprint.chromaprint_start.argtypes = \
    (ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int)
_libchromaprint.chromaprint_start.restype = ctypes.c_int

_libchromaprint.chromaprint_feed.argtypes = \
    (ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), ctypes.c_int)
_libchromaprint.chromaprint_feed.restype = ctypes.c_int

_libchromaprint.chromaprint_finish.argtypes = (ctypes.c_void_p,)
_libchromaprint.chromaprint_finish.restype = ctypes.c_int

_libchromaprint.chromaprint_get_fingerprint.argtypes = \
    (ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p))
_libchromaprint.chromaprint_get_fingerprint.restype = ctypes.c_int

_libchromaprint.chromaprint_decode_fingerprint.argtypes = \
    (ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), ctypes.c_int,
     ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int), ctypes.c_int)
_libchromaprint.chromaprint_decode_fingerprint.restype = ctypes.c_int

_libchromaprint.chromaprint_encode_fingerprint.argtypes = \
    (ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int32), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int,
     ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int), ctypes.c_int)
_libchromaprint.chromaprint_encode_fingerprint.restype = ctypes.c_int

_libchromaprint.chromaprint_dealloc.argtypes = (ctypes.c_void_p,)
_libchromaprint.chromaprint_dealloc.restype = None

# Main interface.

class FingerprintError(Exception):
    """Raised when a call to the underlying library fails."""

def _check(res):
    """Check the result of a library call, raising an error if the call
    if res != 1:
        raise FingerprintError()

class Fingerprinter(object):


    def __init__(self, algorithm=ALGORITHM_DEFAULT):
        self._ctx = _libchromaprint.chromaprint_new(algorithm)

    def __del__(self):
        del self._ctx

    def start(self, sample_rate, num_channels):
        """Initialize the fingerprinter with the given audio parameters.
            self._ctx, sample_rate, num_channels

    def feed(self, data):
        """Send raw PCM audio data to the fingerprinter. Data may be
        either a bytestring or a buffer object.
        if isinstance(data, BUFFER_TYPES):
            data = str(data)
        elif not isinstance(data, bytes):
            raise TypeError('data must be bytes, buffer, or memoryview')
            self._ctx, data, len(data) // 2

    def finish(self):
        """Finish the fingerprint generation process and retrieve the
        resulting fignerprint as a bytestring.
        fingerprint_ptr = ctypes.c_char_p()
            self._ctx, ctypes.byref(fingerprint_ptr)
        fingerprint = fingerprint_ptr.value
        return fingerprint

def decode_fingerprint(data, base64=True):
    result_ptr = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int32)()
    result_size = ctypes.c_int()
    algorithm = ctypes.c_int()
        data, len(data), ctypes.byref(result_ptr), ctypes.byref(result_size),
        ctypes.byref(algorithm), 1 if base64 else 0
    result = result_ptr[:result_size.value]
    return result, algorithm.value

def encode_fingerprint(fingerprint, algorithm, base64=True):
    fp_array = (ctypes.c_int * len(fingerprint))()
    for i in range(len(fingerprint)):
        fp_array[i] = fingerprint[i]
    result_ptr = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)()
    result_size = ctypes.c_int()
        fp_array, len(fingerprint), algorithm, ctypes.byref(result_ptr),
        ctypes.byref(result_size), 1 if base64 else 0
    result = result_ptr[:result_size.value]
    return result

RE: Fingerprint audio - chromaprint and get fingerprint - alessandro87gatto - Apr-15-2019

Hi, I'm continuing to build the code. The code I posted earlier compares the fingerprints of the tracks in two directories.
Now I would like to compare an audio that I acquire from a microphone, with the files present in a folder.
I acquire the audio with the code:
# Importazione Librerie
import pyaudio
import wave

# Definizione del segnale sonoro
form_1 = pyaudio.paInt16  # risoluzione segnale sonoro in bit (16 bit)
chans = 1  # 1 canale
samp_rate = 44100  # 44.1kHz frequenza di campionamento
chunk = 4096  # 2^12 campioni analisi
record_secs = 200  # durata registrazione in secondi
dev_index = 2  # indice del dispositivo
wav_output_filename = 'test.wav'  # nome del file con estensione “.wav”

file = open("test.txt", "wb")  # creazione del file

# Creazione istanza pyaudio
audio = pyaudio.PyAudio()

# Creazione stream pyaudio
stream =, rate=samp_rate, channels=chans, \
                    input_device_index=dev_index, input=True, \

# rate=frequenza campionamento
# channels=numero di canali
# input_device_index=indice del dispositivo di input da utilizzare
# input=specifica se si tratta di un flusso di input
# frames_per_buffer=specifica il numero di fotogrammi

# Se siamo arrivati qui vuol dire che è iniziata la registrazione

frames = []

# ciclo sul flusso e aggiunti i blocchi audio all’array
# range() genera una lista di numeri, che viene generalmente utilizzata per iterae con cicli for.
for ii in range(0, int((samp_rate / chunk) * (record_secs / 10))):
    data =


file.write(data)  # scrivo dentro il file
print("finished recording")

# stop the stream, close it, and terminate the pyaudio instantiation

# save the audio frame sas .wav file
wavefile =, 'wb') # crea file se non esiste, altrimenti lo modifica
file.close()  # chiusura del file
At the moment the audio acquired for "recorder_sec" saves it on file ".wav". Comparing this ".wav" with those in the directory works but doesn't make sense, as I would lose the advantage of the live.

How could I change the code? Thank you

RE: Fingerprint audio - chromaprint and get fingerprint - nilamo - Apr-15-2019

You're currently using acoustid.fingerprint_file(filepath) to get a fingerprint. If you instead use acoustid.fingerprint(samplerate, channels, pcmiter, maxlength=MAX_AUDIO_LENGTH), you can feed raw pcm data into it to get a fingerprint of a stream.

I don't know if it'll be fast enough to be "live", there will probably be a slight delay (though it might only be a second or less of a delay).

RE: Fingerprint audio - chromaprint and get fingerprint - alessandro87gatto - Apr-17-2019

Thank you for your answer. But do you implement it in the code?
My user code allows you to record audio from a USB microphone by saving the track in .wav and compare story track with all the tracks in another directory.


Recupero e Confronto delle Fingerprint con relativo calcolo di Similarità
Confronto delle tracce audio presenti nella directory "partial" con quelle presenti nella directory "full"

Package da installare:

Preinstallati in PyCharm di default durante creazione progetto:
•	pip
•	setuptools
•	PyAudio

Mediante installatore dei package:
•	pyacoustid
•	chromaprint
•	numpy
•	matplotlib
•	fuzzywuzzy
•	pyfingerprint
•	python-Levenshtein

Si installano autonomamente durante l'installazione dei precedenti
•	Pillow
•	audioread
•	certifi
•	chardet
•	cycler
•	idna
•	kiwisolver
•	pyparsing
•	pyserial
•	python-dateutil
•	requestes
•	six
•	urllib3


# Importazione Librerie
import acoustid
import sys
import os
import chromaprint
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #


Registrazione audio mediante microfono usb con salvataggio su file ".wav"

Package da installare:

Preinstallati in PyCharm di default durante creazione progetto:
•	pip
•	setuptools

Mediante installatore dei package:
•	PyAudio


# Importazione Librerie
import pyaudio
import wave

# Definizione del segnale sonoro
form_1 = pyaudio.paInt16  # risoluzione segnale sonoro in bit (16 bit)
chans = 1  # 1 canale
samp_rate = 44100  # 44.1kHz frequenza di campionamento
chunk = 4096  # 2^12 campioni analisi
record_secs = 50  # durata registrazione in secondi
dev_index = 2  # indice del dispositivo
wav_output_filename = '/Users/alessandrorosina/Desktop/rescue_recognition/stream/stream_fingerprint.wav'  # nome del file con estensione “.wav”

# Creazione istanza pyaudio
audio = pyaudio.PyAudio()

# Creazione stream pyaudio
stream =, rate=samp_rate, channels=chans, \
                    input_device_index=dev_index, input=True, \

# rate = frequenza campionamento
# channels = numero di canali
# input_device_index = indice del dispositivo di input da utilizzare
# input = specifica se si tratta di un flusso di input
# frames_per_buffer = specifica il numero di fotogrammi

# Se siamo arrivati qui vuol dire che è iniziata la registrazione

frames = []

# ciclo sul flusso e aggiunti i blocchi audio all’array
# range() genera una lista di numeri, che viene generalmente utilizzata per iterae con cicli for.
for ii in range(0, int((samp_rate / chunk) * (record_secs / 10))):
    data =

DIR_DATABASE = '/Users/alessandrorosina/Desktop/rescue_recognition/track'
DIR_SAMPLES = '/Users/alessandrorosina/Desktop/rescue_recognition/stream'

def get_fingerprint(filepath):
    Get fingerprint (list of signed integer), version, duration
    duration, fp_encoded = acoustid.fingerprint_file(filepath)
    fp, version = chromaprint.decode_fingerprint(fp_encoded)

    # acoustid.fingerprint(samplerate, channels, pcmiter, maxlength=MAX_AUDIO_LENGTH)

    return fp, version, duration

def build_fingerprint_database(dirpath, file_ext='.wav'):
    Build database from directory of audio files
    database = {}
    print('\nProcessing {}..'.format(dirpath))
    for f in os.listdir(dirpath):
        path = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
        if os.path.isfile(path) and ext == file_ext:
            print('Getting fingerprint from database item: {}..'.format(f))
            database[f], version, duration = get_fingerprint(path)
    return database

def build_fingerprint_stream(data_stream):
    Build database from directory of audio files
    database1 = {}
    print('\nProcessing stream {}..'.format(data_stream))
    database1[f], version, duration = get_fingerprint(data_stream)
    return database1

def plot_fingerprints(db):
    Visualize fingerprints in database
    fig = plt.figure()
    numrows = len(db)
    plot_id = 1

    for name, fp in db.items():
        # single column grid
        a = fig.add_subplot(numrows, 1, plot_id)
        imgplot = plt.imshow(get_fingerprint_bitmap(fp))
        plot_id += 1

def get_fingerprint_bitmap(fp):
    Plot list of uint32 as (32, len(list)) bitmap
    bitmap = np.transpose(np.array([[b == '1' for b in list('{:32b}'.format(i & 0xffffffff))] for i in fp]))
    return bitmap

stream.stop_stream() # stop dello stream
stream.close() # chiusura del canale di acquisizione
audio.terminate() # fine traccia audio generata

# Salvataggio dello stream su file ".wav"
wavefile =, 'wb') # crea file se non esiste, altrimenti lo modifica

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Caricamento directory stream e track
    database = build_fingerprint_database(DIR_DATABASE)
    samples = build_fingerprint_database(DIR_SAMPLES)

    print("inoltro path alla funzione build_fingerprint_database")

    # Ricerca di ogni corrispondenza migliore
    for sample, sample_fp in samples.items():
        print('Similarity score of "{}":'.format(sample))
        best_match = None
        for name, fp in database.items():
            similarity = fuzz.ratio(sample_fp, fp)
            if not best_match or best_match['score'] < similarity:
                best_match = {
                    'score': similarity,
                    'name': name
            print('{} {}%'.format(name, similarity))
        print('Best match: {name} ({score}%)\n'.format(**best_match))

    # plot database
    plot_fingerprints(database)  # Fingerprint delle canzoni full
    #plot_fingerprints(samples)  # Fingerprint delle canzoni campione