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How to assign this output to a string variable? - Printable Version

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How to assign this output to a string variable? - Pedroski55 - Apr-17-2019

I am trying to automate making my little homework webpages. I've made lots of little Python programs. For example:

it makes sets of Radio buttons in html. It also returns a string of html. Below is the part that makes the html, it calls makeSetRBs():

def makeHTML():
    for j in range(0, int(numSets)):
          html = []
          value = str(j + 1)
          line1 = '<p> <b> ' + value + ': </b> <BR>\n'
          gapNum = int(startNum) + j
          namenumber = radioName + str(gapNum)
          setRBs = makeSetRBs(value, namenumber)
          for k in range(0, len(setRBs)):
          htmlString = '\n'.join(html)
          file = open(pathToRBs + filename, 'a')
    print('All done, now copy and paste into the webpage!')
    return htmlString;
I call the python with:

Quote:>>> import makeRBsInlineV1 as fl
How many radio buttons in each set of radio buttons?
How many sets of radio buttons do you want?
What should be the starting number for the RB names? Just a number ike 24?
What week number is this? Enter Week1 or similar.
All done, now copy and paste into the webpage!
All done should have a string now.

Trouble is, it starts immediately after 'import makeRBsInlineV1 as fl'. I have no chance to do:

myString = fl

How do I catch the output of fl as a string??

RE: How to assign this output to a string variable? - Yoriz - Apr-17-2019

All i see is an uncalled function, how does this relate to the problem, what is fl and where are you assigning it to myString ?

RE: How to assign this output to a string variable? - Pedroski55 - Apr-18-2019

Sorry, I always get in a panic and think I can't do it! I must have an inferiority complex!

This was the first time I tried to import my own files. I am a morning person. This morning at 5am I made it work for all my modules, integrated them in my file

Works great! I had to rearrange the original file so that the paths and variables were available to the functions like makeHTML

The trick seems to be, call a function, not a whole file. Then I can do:

myString = makeHTML()

Sorry to bother you!

RE: How to assign this output to a string variable? - Yoriz - Apr-18-2019

It's ok, i see now that instead of calling myString = fl it should have been myString = fl.makeHTML() to access the function in the imported file.