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Unicode identifiers - Printable Version

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Unicode identifiers - Skaperen - Apr-19-2019

i found a total of 112333 Unicode characters, counting ASCII, that are valid for identifiers, according to str.isidentifier().

only 109808 of them are valid as a single character identifier. the others are probably modifiers that can be part of an identifier.

>>> len(''.join(chr(x) for x in range(0,0x110000) if ('abc'+chr(x)+'abc').isidentifier()))

RE: Unicode identifiers - DeaD_EyE - Apr-19-2019

I have more identifiers. Maybe they changed the database of symbols which are allowed.
The versions I used, have different unicode_versions but, they seems to have the same amount of allowed identifiers.

'3.7.3 (default, Apr 2 2019, 20:16:32) \n[GCC 8.2.1 20181127]'
Result: 128491
unicodedata.unidata_version: 11.0.0

3.8.0a3+ (heads/master:ddbb978, Mar 30 2019, 13:28:31) \n[GCC 8.2.1 20181127]
Result: 128491
unicodedata.unidata_version: 12.0.0

RE: Unicode identifiers - Skaperen - Apr-19-2019

it could be the version of Python. i have 3.5.