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Rebuild LZ compression from C code via Python's LZMA module - Printable Version

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Rebuild LZ compression from C code via Python's LZMA module - TD2 - Apr-25-2019

Trying to rebuild the LZ decompression from an existing C code.
Found a short compressed example with only 80/0x50 bytes that becomes 32768/0x8000 bytes with a simple pattern: first 28672/0x7000 bytes are 0x00, while the other 4096/0x1000 are 0x20.
Also found one single occurrence [1] on the internet with a similar issue, but it's "solution" doesn't work for me.
This is all with Python 3 under Windows and Linux. Test script available below.

Can anyone help where I missed something to adapt the solution? Or any other ideas?

Thanks in advance


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
### ^^^ see

import sys
import binascii
import lzma
#import _lzma

print("Python Version", sys.version)

CONST_INPUT_BYTES = bytes.fromhex("05ff80010ed6e737043f530bbce7a37214dc388e0caa949346bff87215047e9ce0ec8b6c7deef07a90910eb3c78bd8089d6809e59efe43035b0b7c52e4fefe663a31665fdfdce21da39e05cdc2c8002e")
## First 5 Bytes:
## Input_Bytes[0] = 05 = rc->lc
## Input_Bytes[1:1+4] = ff80010e = rc->code (Big Endian)
CONST_EXPECTED_BYTES = bytearray(b"\x00" * 0x7000)
CONST_EXPECTED_BYTES.extend(b"\x20" * 0x1000)
#f = open("expected.hex","wb")

### Display length of bytes
print("input: length", len(CONST_INPUT_BYTES), type(CONST_INPUT_BYTES))
print("expected result: length", len(CONST_EXPECTED_BYTES), type(CONST_EXPECTED_BYTES))

##### Goal:
## Rebuild LZ decompression from

## Tried:
## a)
##    no access to lzma._decode_filter_properties()

LZ_Filter = lzma._decode_filter_properties(lzma.FILTER_LZMA1, CONST_INPUT_BYTES[0:0+5])
Decompressed_Bytes = lzma.decompress(CONST_INPUT_BYTES[5:], format=lzma.FORMAT_RAW, filters=LZ_Filter)

## Checks
print("decompressed: length", len(Decompressed_Bytes), type(Decompressed_Bytes))
if Decompressed_Bytes == CONST_EXPECTED_BYTES:
    print("Decompression SUCCESSFUL")
    print("Decompressed:", len(Decompressed_Bytes), type(Decompressed_Bytes))
    print("Decompression FAILED")