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invalid syantx - Printable Version

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invalid syantx - metro779966 - Apr-25-2019

I am new in programing , I use python 3.7.2- when I write any code in python file and make RUN I have invalid syntax message
I have file with name new I write this :
f=open('bbb.txt', 'w')
make RUN then I receive invalid syantax

Python 3.7.2 (tags/v3.7.2:9a3ffc0492, Dec 23 2018, 23:09:28) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
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>>> f=open('new.txt','w')
>>> f.write(h'hello')
>>> f.close()

>>> import os
>>> if os.path.exists('newfolder'):

>>> if not os.path.exists('folderst'):

RE: invalid syantx - keames - Apr-26-2019

There is an h in front of the string literal 'hello' where you write to the file.
>>> h"This string literal is syntactically invalid" SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> r"This is a syntactically valid raw string." 'This is a syntactically valid raw string.' >>> b"This is a syntactically valid bytes literal." b'This is a syntactically valid bytes literal.' >>> "This is a syntactically valid string literal." 'This is a syntactically valid string literal.'

RE: invalid syantx - perfringo - Apr-26-2019

I also observe that in file you have file.Write('hello'). Shouldn't it be .write?

RE: invalid syantx - keames - Apr-26-2019

I noticed that too, perfringo. I assumed that in his actual code he typed it correctly because it is a lowercase w in his copy paste of the python console. Also, he isn't talking about getting a NameError, he's getting a syntax error.