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Filter out all words that begin with P, B, or T. - Printable Version

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Filter out all words that begin with P, B, or T. - johneven - May-05-2019

Need help with the following:

Filter out all words that begin with P, B, or T.

colors = ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Indigo", "Violet", "Purple", "Pink", "Brown", "Teal", "Turquois", "Peach", "Beige"]
#my response below-
for position in range(len(colors)):
    color = colors[position]
    if color[0] in ["P", "B", "T"]:
        del colors[position]
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue #? Violet Purple #? Brown #? Turquois #? Beige #?

RE: Filter out all words that begin with P, B, or T. - Yoriz - May-05-2019

The position indexes are based on a full list, as soon as something is deleted from the list those indexes no longer relate to the correct position and there will be a IndexError: list index out of range because the list will no longer be big enough.
Rather then trying to alter the original list you should make a new list and only add the non filtered items to it.
After this is complete the original list variable can be assigned to the new list

RE: Filter out all words that begin with P, B, or T. - perfringo - May-06-2019

You can combine string method .startswith and list comprehension with conditional to get desired result. This one of the most straightforward translations of spoken language into Python: "give me color for every color in colors which is not starting with letters 'P', 'B', 'T'":

>>> [color for color in colors if not color.startswith(('P', 'B', 'T'))]
['Red', 'Orange', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Indigo', 'Violet']

RE: Filter out all words that begin with P, B, or T. - michalmonday - May-07-2019


import re
colors = ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Indigo", "Violet", "Purple", "Pink", "Brown", "Teal", "Turquois", "Peach", "Beige"]
filtered_colors = list(filter(re.compile('[^PBT]').match, colors))
['Red', 'Orange', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Indigo', 'Violet']