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for loops and if - Printable Version

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for loops and if - johneven - May-06-2019

I feel like my code is correct, but keep getting wrong output for this homework question.

The problem is:
Below are a set of scores that students have received in the past semester. Write code to determine how many are 90 or above and assign that result to the value a_scores.

scores = "67 80 90 78 93 20 79 89 96 97 92 88 79 68 58 90 98 100 79 74 83 88 80 86 85 70 90 100"
#my attempt below
accum = 0
for sc in scores:
    if sc >= 90:
        accum = accum + 1
a_scores = accum
85 #should be 10 #looking at it again, it appears to be just counting the number of characters (incl. spaces) that are in the string scores, (i.e., 85 characters)

RE: for loops and if - scidam - May-06-2019

I got:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module> TypeError: unorderable types: str() >= int()
Do something like this prior your loop:

scores = map(int, scores.split())
or a_score = len(list(filter(lambda x: x >= 90, scores)))

RE: for loops and if - perfringo - May-06-2019

Another possibility:

>>> scores = "67 80 90 78 93 20 79 89 96 97 92 88 79 68 58 90 98 100 79 74 83 88 80 86 85 70 90 100"
>>> sum(1 for x in scores.split() if 90 <= int(x))
Of course there is also Counter in collections module:

Quote:A Counter is a dict subclass for counting hashable objects.

RE: for loops and if - MvGulik - May-06-2019

(May-06-2019, 05:39 AM)scidam Wrote: I got:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module> TypeError: unorderable types: str() >= int()

That's the difference between Python-2* and Python-3 when unequal types are compared.
(*tried to read up on this for Py2 ... but gave up on that idea very very quickly*)

*) or when Trinket(default free version) is used without #!/bin/python3 as first line. Right, even with #!/bin/python3 Trinket happily processed that str() >= int() part. (back to the drawing board ... right, effects only syntax evaluation)))

RE: for loops and if - johneven - May-06-2019

An answer to problem:
scores = "67 80 90 78 93 20 79 89 96 97 92 88 79 68 58 90 98 100 79 74 83 88 80 86 85 70 90 100"
scoressplit = scores.split()

accum = 0
for sc in scoressplit:
    if int(sc) >= 90:
        accum = accum + 1
a_scores = accum

RE: for loops and if - perfringo - May-07-2019

Some observations and suggestions.

- there is no reason to assign names to objects like scoressplit and accum if you don't need them
- use descriptive names i.e. sc -> score
- use +=
- use comparison operators in ascending flow i.e 90 <= int(score), it makes easier for human to mentally parse comparison

scores = "67 80 90 78 93 20 79 89 96 97 92 88 79 68 58 90 98 100 79 74 83 88 80 86 85 70 90 100"
a_scores = 0
for score in scores.split():
    if 90 <= int(score):
        a_scores += 1