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Python Datetimes made easy - Printable Version

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Python Datetimes made easy - snippsat - Sep-28-2016

Take a look at Pendulum.
Python has already some 3-party Date libraries eg Arrow,Delorean,Chronyk.

What i did like about Pendulum when looking at it briefly is the work done with documentation.
There is a "Why Pendulum?" and "Why not Arrow?" explanation on GitHub.

RE: Python Datetimes made easy - micseydel - Sep-28-2016

I wish I had this when I use was Scala at work a few months ago! Time is notoriously difficult to work with.

RE: Python Datetimes made easy - Skaperen - Sep-09-2018

yeah, yeah,my time machine is notoriously difficult to work with, so i have to post this reply two years late. but at least it's in the early part of September.

i don't know why, but i found dates and times easy to work with. but i've only done it in C. would that make a difference? i thought Python already had date and time tools, though i really haven't needed to make any serious use of them.