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Program layout - Printable Version

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Program layout - pfaber11 - May-12-2019

Hi was wanting to know is there a particular way of structuring a python program . For the last year and a half I've been using Basic and am trying to learn python . Been at it about a week and seem to be doing ok. However what I was wondering is how to structure a program like main with multiple subroutines or procedures . As I say I've only been at this a week so any good advice would be welcome .

RE: Program layout - micseydel - May-12-2019

Every program is different. A common pattern is to have a main() function from which everything starts, and then invoke it at the end of your script like this:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Global variables are considered bad, and object-oriented programming is often important to the proposed solution.

Beyond that, I think you'd get the most out of this question by asking about specific circumstances.

RE: Program layout - Yoriz - May-13-2019