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pypy and wing personal7 - Printable Version

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pypy and wing personal7 - pfaber11 - Jun-01-2019

Could somebody please tell me where I'm going wrong I'm using pypy or trying to has anybody got any experience of this. If you click on the screen shot it'll be big enough to read.I think what is happening is wing and pypy aren't connecting properly . if I go to the pypy3 exe and click on it it goes into the shell so I know it's installed ok . some help would really be appreciated .

RE: pypy and wing personal7 - Larz60+ - Jun-02-2019

PyPi only points to the code repository (and also has a download link).
If all you need is to install the package, use
pip install wing

If you need source code there are several ways to get it:
I usually click on the homepage link to get the GitHub or other code location, then use gitclone to download the code. (Requires git to be installed).
usage is:
  • Copy GitHub URL
  • Navigate to where you want source code to reside.
  • Open command line (shell) in that directory
  • Type: git clone
    (pasting URL after typing git clone )
  • Done.

RE: pypy and wing personal7 - pfaber11 - Jun-02-2019

I solved it last night . To run pypy3 I used pycharm community edition and found pyglet works fine with it . Lucky for me . I've still got wing personal 7 installed and am using that with regular python 3.7.3 Thanks for the reply.