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Pycharm Cannot Find Pygame Module - Printable Version

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Pycharm Cannot Find Pygame Module - Myang123 - Aug-05-2019

I am currently having issues in the Pycharm environment regarding a possible linkage issue with Pygame. Everytime I try to import Pygame the environment says that it cannot find a module named Pygame.

For full disclosure I have downloaded Pygame via pip (tested in idle and checks out to confirm due to no error message via the import pygame command)and is currently able to open Pygame window in the idle.

Can anyone please help and provide a possible solution if possible?

Below are the two lines of code I am trying to start Pygame with in Pycharm:

import sys

import pygame

RE: Pycharm Cannot Find Pygame Module - metulburr - Aug-05-2019

Make sure the python interpreter invoked with PyCharm is the one you installed pygame to via pip.

RE: Pycharm Cannot Find Pygame Module - Myang123 - Aug-07-2019

Ok thank you very much for your assistance!