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Slicing and printing two halfs of an email address (Udemy) - Printable Version

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Slicing and printing two halfs of an email address (Udemy) - Drone4four - Aug-23-2019

I’ve written a script which slices and prints the first half of an email address (before the ‘@’ symbol) and then which also slices and prints the domain name (after the ‘@’ symbol). Here is my basic script so far:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

email_address = "[email protected]"
print(f'Here is your email: {email_address}')
first_half = email_address[0:13]
print(f'Here is your email user name: {first_half}')
second_half = email_address[-11:]
print(f'Here is your email domain name: {second_half}')
Here is the output:

Quote:$ python
Here is your email: [email protected]
Here is your email user name: Yoseph.Stalin
Here is your email domain name:

It achieves what I set out to accomplish.

But what if I wanted to make it dynamic - - so that the script prompts the user to enter his or her email address and then dynamically discerns before and after the ‘@’ symbol and then prints the user name and domain name (of different lengths) - - how might you people recommend I go about that?

Or to put it another way: how would I tell Python to process an email address so that it will be able to evaluate both sides of the '@' symbol and distinguish domain names of different lengths without the developer having to manually count the length of characters for each set email address?

For my future reference, I got this question from a non-credit Udemy course. This question came up as part of the string module/section. The course is titled "The Python Bible: Everything You Need to Program in Python".

Edit 1: Wow I think just answered my own question. I found a guide which shows how to perform this dynamic operation in 5 different programming languages like Java, C#, and Python.

Python is by far the most elegant. Here is how to extract the domain of an email in Python:

email = '[email protected]'
domain = email.split('@')[1]
I suppose extracting the username would be

email = '[email protected]'
username = email.split('@')[0]
I’ll play around with this today.

Edit 2: Here is my script now:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

email_address = input("Please enter a fake email address and be sure to include an @ symbol: >>  ")
user_name = email_address.split('@')[1]
domain_name = email_address.split('@')[0]
print(f'Here is your email: {email_address}')
print(f'Here is your email user name: {user_name}')
print(f'Here is your email domain name: {domain_name}')
It runs exactly as intended.

RE: Slicing and printing two halfs of an email address (Udemy) - newbieAuggie2019 - Aug-23-2019


Yeah, I like the simplicity of Python!

Just I noticed that in your Edit 2, I think you mistyped the numbers. I think you meant as in Edit 1, [0] for the user_name, and [1] for the domain_name.

RE: Slicing and printing two halfs of an email address (Udemy) - snippsat - Aug-23-2019

Also think of that is possible to unpack data.
>>> email = '[email protected]'
>>> user_name, domain = email.split('@')
>>> print(f'Your username is <{user_name}> domain is <{domain}>')
Your username is <user> domain is <>

RE: Slicing and printing two halfs of an email address (Udemy) - ThomasL - Aug-23-2019

Another option would be using string.index() function that you are already aware of in another thread.

RE: Slicing and printing two halfs of an email address (Udemy) - perfringo - Aug-23-2019

Modified solution for cases email address is in form of [email protected] (requires 3.6 <= Python due to f-strings):

>>> email = '[email protected]'
>>> name, domain = email.split('@')
>>> print(f"Hello {' '.join(name.split('.')).title()} from {domain}")
Hello First Last from

RE: Slicing and printing two halfs of an email address (Udemy) - wavic - Aug-26-2019

(Aug-23-2019, 11:46 AM)ThomasL Wrote: Another option would be using string.index() function that you are already aware of in another thread.

It's more relevant because it is exactly slicing. str.split() is something different.