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.py to no setup output - Printable Version

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.py to no setup output - Shaswat - Oct-01-2019


I have been using python to automated few things from last couple of months. Personally, I prefer py2exe to convert my .py file to executable. (While answering, I got to know also about "cx_Freeze" that works same as py2exe, but not tried yet)

My question is that the converted .exe works perfectly in my Personal Laptop but I want to use some automated script in my work laptop. All the time, I generate .exe, antivirus remove the generated exe and I do not have access to make changes in my laptop antivirus to add any filter.

Is there any way that I can generate file that run every time I click on its application? Kind of no setup files that can work on other PC that does not have Python installed?

Thanks in advance.

RE: .py to no setup output - buran - Oct-01-2019

no guarantee, but try:
to convert to exe using pyinstaller
try pyinsist

IMHO the best would be to get company IT install python on your work laptop if you can build a case as to why you need it or make changes in AV policy.