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y-axis on seaborn heatmap not aligned properly - Printable Version

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y-axis on seaborn heatmap not aligned properly - amjass12 - Oct-01-2019

Hi all,

I am having an issue with a heatmap on seaborn when using pycharm (not sure if this is the right forum so apologies if this is the case)

I am not having this issue when i run this code in google colab, so i am unsure as to what the issue is. I have created a function to build a confusion matrix as follows:

def kerasConfMat (classLabelPDindex,classLabelPDCols,reorderCols,reorderRows,actual, pred,hmcolor, xlab, ylab,fontsize, titlelab,titleFontSize, xAxislab,yAxislab, axisLabFontSize, colorbarlegend, annotatePlot) :

    cm = confusion_matrix(actual.argmax(axis=1), pred.argmax(axis=1))
    cm = cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

    df_cm = pd.DataFrame(cm, index=classLabelPDindex, columns=classLabelPDCols)

    df_cm = df_cm[reorderCols]
    df_cm = df_cm.reindex(index=reorderRows)

    ax = plt.axes()

    plot=seaborn.heatmap(df_cm, cmap=hmcolor, xticklabels=xlab, yticklabels=ylab, ax=ax, cbar=colorbarlegend, annot=annotatePlot)
    ax.set_title(titlelab, fontsize=titleFontSize)
    plt.xlabel(xAxislab, fontsize=axisLabFontSize)
    plt.ylabel(yAxislab, fontsize=axisLabFontSize)

    plot.yaxis.set_ticklabels(plot.yaxis.get_ticklabels(), rotation=0, ha='center', fontsize=fontsize)
    plot.xaxis.set_ticklabels(plot.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), rotation=45, ha='center', fontsize=fontsize)

    return plot
# Dependencies
import seaborn
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
The issue is the y-axis and some of the body of the plot. The y-axis is overlapping or in the incorrect position on the y-axis and the blocks of colour in the main plot look zoomed in slightly. i have no idea why it is plotting like this as this has worked previously in pycharm without issues with this code. also, if i run the normal seaborn code without it implemented in the function, it is the same...

please see image attached for example that was run today.[attachment=718]

any help would be much appreciated!