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Python script modification - Printable Version

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Python script modification - rajannn - Oct-05-2019


I had a python script written for me that downloads data from a website called which is an Australian site

The script works and am using windows 10 pro with excel 2019 and LibreOffice

I needed to add a few more fields to the script however the person who developed the script is no longer available to make modifications or improvements to the script

I know how to run the script that's about all I know .

I am 66 years old and love to work with stats

The script helps to gather the data which I import into a template that I made that helps to predict and find joy when I get it How do I go about getting some help

looking forward to the help

kind regards



RE: Python script modification - micseydel - Oct-06-2019

Are you looking to have this done for you or are you interested in learning Python? This forum is more dedicated to the latter.

It'll be easier to help you if you share your code. The shorter the code, the more likely you are to get people willing to look at it; if you're able to reproduce your issue with less than the full code, that's ideal.