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I need help (easy question) - Printable Version

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I need help (easy question) - Kaanatmaca - Oct-20-2019

I started python last week and I tried to do an code which helped me to calculate my grades but it isn't working can someone tell me whats wrong with it?
Thank you.

PYTHON colab3

RE: I need help (easy question) - buran - Oct-20-2019

post your code here, in python tags. If you get any traceback - post it in full in error tags

RE: I need help (easy question) - Kaanatmaca - Oct-20-2019

sps = input("sps 4 üzerinden:")
al = input("al 4 üzerinden:")

sps= sps*25
al= al*25 

dil = (sps*0.4) + (al*0.6)
print("dil puanın ",dil,".",sep="")

Not = input("4 üzerinden ortalaman:")

Not = Not *25

erasmus = (Not)/2 + (dil)/2

print("Erasmus puanın ",erasmus,".",sep="")