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[split] Can’t get program to run properly - Printable Version

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[split] Can’t get program to run properly - KingC - Dec-06-2019

I have a similar problem trying to get a written date of birth to calculate the age.

RE: [split] Can’t get program to run properly - michael1789 - Dec-06-2019

How is the written date going to be input? (eg. 12/12/12 or dec. 12 2012, or whatever)

RE: [split] Can’t get program to run properly - micseydel - Dec-10-2019

What have you tried? We're happy to help, but you should post a fully-formed question. You'll be much more likely to get a satisfactory response if you include your code attempt along with its output, expected output, etc. (See link in my signature for more details.)