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I want to log specific data to csv file - Printable Version

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I want to log specific data to csv file - akshay3210 - Dec-12-2019

I'm very new to python. Kindly Help me with this problem.
I have the script which logs for GetAllVars to csv file . But I need to log the data for GetAllTestStepResults not for GetAllVars.

Here is the script below

def GetAllVars(path):
    uut = {}
    vars = {}
    file = open(path,'r')
    lines = file.readlines()
    ii = 0
    while ii < len(lines):
        line = lines[ii]
        # <V s='2'/>Name,Value
        start = line.find("<V")
        while start > -1:
           # Next StartToken ('<') is the end of this element
            end = line.find("<", start + 1)
            if end > -1:
                # <V s='2'/>Name,Value
                var = line[start:end]
                # Get VarName and Value
                tokens = var.split('>')
                tokens = tokens[1].split(',')
                # vars[name] = value
                # Keep reading while the next element is a variable <V s='2'/>
                tag = line[end+1:end+2]
                if tag == "V":
                    start = end + 1
                    start = -1
        uut[ii] = vars
        vars = {}
        ii = ii + 1
    return uut

def GetAllTestStepResults(path):
    uut = {}
    results = {}
    file = open(path, 'r')
    # UUT elements (<UUT>,...,</UUT>) are terminated by "\r\n"
    lines = file.readlines()
    ii = 0
    while ii < len(lines):
        line = lines[ii]
        start = line.find("<S ")
        while start > -1:
            # Next StartToken ('<') marks the end of this element.
            end = line.find("<", start + 1)
            if end > -1:
                # <S t='' s='' .../>Name,Value1,Value2,...,
                step = line[start:end]
                # Ignore action step results

                if((step.find("t='b'") == -1) and (step.find("c='LOG'") == -1)):
                   # Get TestName, Data, and Status
                   tokens = step.split('>')
                   tokens = tokens[1].split(',')
                   # tokens[0] -> TestName
                   # tokens[1] -> Data (number, string or boolean)
                   # tokens[2] -> Status ("Passed", "Failed", "Skipped", "Error", "Terminated")
                   # results[TestName] = [Data, Status]
                   results[tokens[0]]=[tokens[1], tokens[2]]
                start = line.find("S ", end)
        uut[ii] = results
        results = {}
        # Get next UUT element (<UUT>,...,</UUT>)
        ii = ii + 1
    return uut

# print("Get All Test UUT Variables:")
# uut = GetAllVars("all.txt")
# for ii, vars in uut.items():
#     print("UUT[" + str(ii) + "]")
#     for name, data in vars.items():
#         print("\t" + name + "=" + data)

import csv
with open('large.csv','w') as f1:
    print("Get All Test UUT Variables:")
    uut = GetAllVars("all.txt")
    for ii, vars in uut.items():
        print("UUT[" + str(ii) + "]")
        for name, data in vars.items():
            row = (name,data)

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("large.csv", header= None)
df.columns = ['info', 'value']
df1 = (df.set_index([df['info'].eq('Profile').cumsum(), 'info'])['value']
         .rename_axis(None, axis=1))

print("Get All Test Step Results:")
uut = GetAllTestStepResults("all.txt")
for ii, results in uut.items():
    print("UUT[" + str(ii) + "]")
    for name, result in results.items():
        print("\t" + name + " {Data=" + result[0] + " Status=" + result[1] + "}")
Eagerly waiting for the answer.

Thank you