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How to append to a dictionary? - Printable Version

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How to append to a dictionary? - t4keheart - Feb-04-2020

Hi everyone,
This seems like it should be simple, I just don't know how to do it.
Anyways, I'm working with a json response from a server/api.
I would like to store 2 data points to a dictionary of lists (? i think, list of lists?).

The problem is, instead of appending it's overwriting, so assume there are 10 json objects in the response with a key (id) & value (message)- when I print(dictionary) I only get 1 result like this:
{1038374: 'test message10'}
Whereas my desired output when printing the dictionary is like this:
{1028374: 'test msg1', 384759: 'test msg2', 4384573: 'test msg3'... and so on }
Here is my for loop:
   r=requests.get(url + id, headers=h, params=p)
    inbound_dict = {}
    for item in inbound['messages']:
        inbound_dict[item['conversationId']] = item['body']
What am I doing incorrectly with my loop? How do I get it to append to a dictionary of lists instead of overwriting?

Finally, how would I then store those key/values to an object to reference later in another function? If say, I wanted to pull message 3, from the middle.

Thank you for reading! Pray Wall LOL

I forgot to add- I think I know what the issue is with this, the "key" is not unique, and is shared amongst all of the values... so I believe this needs to be a list of lists, rather than a dictionary. But when I try to do so, I get errors about the index being out of range.

Trying to do something with this:
    response=requests.get(url + id, headers=h, params=p)
    for message in messages:
...thinking it might get me closer to what I need to accomplish. I need to somehow organize this data and store it to be used somewhere in the future for reference, and it's proving to be quite the task.

RE: How to append to a dictionary? - t4keheart - Feb-05-2020

I solved this issue!
Here's what ended up working for me...

    response=requests.get(url + id, headers=h, params=p).json()
    inbound_dict = {}
    for item in response['messages']:
        conv_id = item['conversationId']
        if conv_id not in inbound_dict:
            inbound_dict[conv_id]={item['id'] : {'msg_id' : item['id'], 'body' : item['body']}}
            inbound_dict[conv_id][item['id']] = {'msg_id' : item['id'], 'body' : item['body']}