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Help Needed | Read Outlook email Recursively & download attachment - Printable Version

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Help Needed | Read Outlook email Recursively & download attachment - Vinci141 - Feb-21-2020

As the title, so is my goal. But i am stuck as this code is going into infinite loop with downloading attachments of 1 email only. I'm still trying to get this code work.
Please assist what amendments are needed to make it work & if i can optimize it further.
# Date : 20-Dec-2020
# Code version 0.1
import datetime
import datetime as dt
import os
import os.path
import win32com.client

Read today's all the email from a dedicated folder in outlook.
Download the email's attachments in a folder( folder name should be 'email sender + subject + date') on my machine
# print("************Current working Directory : {} ************".format(os.getcwd()))

now =
suffix = now.strftime("%d-%m-%y")
# d = ( - datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%d-%m-%y")  # Yesterday's date

def download_attachment():
    global count_attachment
    outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")
    inbox = outlook.GetDefaultFolder(6).Folders("ROTA")
    mail_items = inbox.Items
    message = mail_items.GetLast()

    while mail_items:
        subject, sender, attachment, count_attachment = message.Subject, message.Sender, message.Attachments, \

        print("Email Sender Name:- {0} \nEmail Subject :- {1} \nNo of attachments : {2}\n".format(sender,
if path exist, ok
else create the path/Downloads folder

        new_name = "Mass Request " + str(sender) + str(suffix)
        if new_name in os.listdir():

        path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), new_name)
        # date = message.SentOn.strftime("%d-%m-%y")

        if count_attachment > 0 :
            for i in range(1, count_attachment + 1):
                attach = attachment.Item(i)
                attach.SaveAsFile(path + '\\' + str(attach))
            print("No attachment found !")

    print("From Today's Requests, {0} File(s) downloaded successfully !! ".format(count_attachment))

if __name__ == "__main__":

RE: Help Needed | Read Outlook email Recursively & download attachment - cubangt - Jan-07-2022

Not sure if this would help, but if you are expecting to only search for a certain number of emails, why not get the "count" of emails found to download and loop thru that number of emails, so that once its processed all x emails, it stops looping?

What is being returned in this variable?

You have to be able to tell the logic that it needs to stop, you could technically create a Boolean variable outside the while, set it to false
Then after line 60 mail_items.GetPrevious() set that to true.

Then wrap your while with if false, run logic..

Just an idea.