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Detection Motion Program - Printable Version

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Detection Motion Program - Adek1243 - Mar-22-2020

Hello. In first sorry for my english, I'm from Poland. Im working in Polish Police. I need your help. I run road collision cases and i have a lot of camera movie and this movie sometimes is with 3 days (72h). I need a program like detection motion who can will be looking a choose area, and when will be motion on area he write a time to the log.txt. I looking a lot of time for progrma like this, but all programs is only real time or dont doing a log with motion. Thanks for answer bro.

RE: Detection Motion Program - Larz60+ - Mar-22-2020

Look through these packages:
I think you'll find one that helps.
Note, if you find one, go to home page and look at last date updated, if it's over your threshold reject the package as it has been abandoned. Suggest 1 year, but 2 may be acceptable

RE: Detection Motion Program - Adek1243 - Mar-22-2020

But now i have problem with open it. I will be want a *.exe file. I download python, doing a pip, open a file with *.whl and i see folder and dont know what now, becouse i cant open it :( someone help, thanks.

RE: Detection Motion Program - Larz60+ - Mar-22-2020

  • what is your operating system
  • which version of python do you use
  • what is the name of the package to want to install

RE: Detection Motion Program - Adek1243 - Mar-23-2020

Win 10 x64, python the newest 3.7.7, i trying install a lot of package for example:

camtone( I know that it is older than 2 years, but looks good)
project5 (on homepage looks good, but i think works only in ubuntu)
, but I know now that i must install order version to work it. but i dont know how to doing with file which i open, for example:
[Image: hHnGeR7.png]

RE: Detection Motion Program - Larz60+ - Mar-23-2020

The highest level of python supported by this package is 3.4
you are using 3.7, so may have issues.
This is over 4 years old, i wouldn't use it myself.
however you can try downloading the wheel,
and install with pip install wheelname

RE: Detection Motion Program - buran - Mar-23-2020

Project should have instructions for installation, incl. any dependencies you need to install separately/manually.
If the project doesn't have good documentation, incl. sample examples it should be a red flag for you, for number of reasons:
  • maybe its old/abandoned/not-actively maintained and it will be more difficult for you to setup and run it
  • lack of active support/community, in case you need help
  • it will be difficult for you to use, given your lack of experience

When choosing a project also look if it offers convenient command line interface for execution, i.e. can you use it as standalone program or is it primary aimed at being used by developers. The later may/would require you to write [more] code.

RE: Detection Motion Program - Adek1243 - Mar-23-2020

Ye i doing it and i have folder with documents like in the screen up:
[Image: b01EG3L.png]
and now i cant do nothing with it

RE: Detection Motion Program - buran - Mar-23-2020

This looks like package is installed. Now you need to write code (your own script) that will use the installed package.
That is why I advised to check if the package in question allows for execution as standalone script

RE: Detection Motion Program - Adek1243 - Mar-23-2020

I looking i think a good program :
dvr scan
I install all what he need, and when i want open *.exe file what was in this folder i see this and it exit:
[Image: HNPWAf0.png]
but i cant too install with command "sudo python install", becouse in this folder dont have

or probably meybe work, what are u think about it?
[Image: A25wguY.png]

i trying to test it, but dont know where i must include a file *.avi