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How can i call classmethod with myClass() instead of using myClass.myClassMethod() - Printable Version

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How can i call classmethod with myClass() instead of using myClass.myClassMethod() - harun2525 - Mar-23-2017

i want to do
class foo(): # this class doesn't return and create object (object) , only runs main function when is called
    def main(cls):
          print "main function is called with using foo()"


# output #
# main function is called with using foo()
is there a way to do this ?
Moderator snippsat: Fixed code tag look at BBcode help

RE: How can i call classmethod with myClass() instead of using myClass.myClassMethod() - wavic - Mar-23-2017

>>> class foo:
...     def say(self):
...         print("Hello!")

>>> bar = foo()

>>> bar.say()

>>> say = bar.say

>>> say()

RE: How can i call classmethod with myClass() instead of using myClass.myClassMethod() - zivoni - Mar-23-2017

You could rewrite __new__() to "forbid" creation of an object and to do some action, but why would someone sane want to do it ...
In [1]: class foo:
   ...:     def __new__(cls):
   ...:         print("foo")

In [2]: foo()

RE: How can i call classmethod with myClass() instead of using myClass.myClassMethod() - harun2525 - Mar-23-2017

(Mar-23-2017, 05:08 PM)zivoni Wrote: You could rewrite __new__() to "forbid" creation of an object and to do some action, but why would someone sane want to do it ...
In [1]: class foo:
   ...:     def __new__(cls):
   ...:         print("foo")

In [2]: foo()
thanks very very much but it works only python3, i use python2 this doesn't work on python2. can you give python2 example of this code ?

RE: How can i call classmethod with myClass() instead of using myClass.myClassMethod() - zivoni - Mar-23-2017

works with new style class (inherits from object)
>>> class foo(object): 
...    def __new__(cls):
...      print "foo"
>>> foo()

RE: How can i call classmethod with myClass() instead of using myClass.myClassMethod() - harun2525 - Mar-23-2017

@zivoni, thanks very very much. it works

RE: How can i call classmethod with myClass() instead of using myClass.myClassMethod() - nilamo - Mar-23-2017

(Mar-23-2017, 06:05 PM)harun2525 Wrote: @zivoni, thanks very very much. it works

But still... why?  Is there any real use for that, aside from making other people reading your code hate you?

RE: How can i call classmethod with myClass() instead of using myClass.myClassMethod() - harun2525 - Mar-23-2017

(Mar-23-2017, 06:26 PM)nilamo Wrote:
(Mar-23-2017, 06:05 PM)harun2525 Wrote: @zivoni, thanks very very much. it works

But still... why?  Is there any real use for that, aside from making other people reading your code hate you?

class clsOrHide(object):
    def __new__(cls, widget, name):
        cls.main(widget, name)

    def main(widget, name):
        if name == "__main__":

            return True

    def del_event(cls, *args):
        cls.main(args[0], args[-1] )

def clsOrHide(widget, name):
      if name == "__main__":

          return True

clsOrHide.del_event = lambda *args: clsOrHide(args[0], args[-1] )
which one is the better readable ?,  which one has the better code view ?

sometime, we can't know what will need

RE: How can i call classmethod with myClass() instead of using myClass.myClassMethod() - nilamo - Mar-23-2017

Neither are readable. It looks a little bit like an event handler that gets called multiple times for different reasons, which is... insane

RE: How can i call classmethod with myClass() instead of using myClass.myClassMethod() - Larz60+ - Mar-23-2017

Classes shouldn't execute anything other than initialization code.
If you create methods that run main, and you instantiate two of these
classes what happens?