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How to loop through all QLineEdit widgets on a form - Printable Version

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How to loop through all QLineEdit widgets on a form - JayCee - Apr-02-2020

Hello everyone,

Greetings from Brazil! Does anybody know a quick and easy way to loop through all QLineEdit widgets on a form and clear them? Thanks for your time and help. I really appreciate it.

This is how I am currently doing it:

    myform = {ui.lineEdit_name, ui.lineEdit_email, ui.lineEdit_pwd, ui.lineEdit_mktg, ... etc.}
    for fields in myform:
Best regards.

RE: How to loop through all QLineEdit widgets on a form - deanhystad - Apr-02-2020

Are you looking for something to build the "my_form" part of your example? How about using the focus chain?
my_form = []
w = some_widget
while not w in my_form:
    if isinstance(w, QLineEdit):
    w = w.nextInFocusChain()
I have not tried this code.

For form entry/editing usually the program has a way to load the form fields and clearing the form is done by loading an empty data.

RE: How to loop through all QLineEdit widgets on a form - JayCee - Apr-02-2020

Hi Dean,

Nope. The form itself is already built. Please refer to the full code below. Thanks for your feedback! :)

import sys
from datetime import date, datetime
import pymongo.mongo_client
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets, QtGui
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox, QLineEdit

connection = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
database = connection['bremi691_ead']
collection = database['usuarios']

class UiDialog(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.lineEdit_name = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(Dialog)
        self.lineEdit_email = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(Dialog)
        self.lineEdit_pwd = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(Dialog)
        self.lineEdit_mktg = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(Dialog)

        self.label_name = QtWidgets.QLabel(Dialog)
        self.label_email = QtWidgets.QLabel(Dialog)
        self.label_pwd = QtWidgets.QLabel(Dialog)
        self.label_mktg = QtWidgets.QLabel(Dialog)

    def setup_ui(self, Dialog):
        Dialog.resize(448, 300)

        self.lineEdit_name.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(140, 50, 241, 21))

        self.lineEdit_email.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(140, 90, 191, 21))

        self.lineEdit_pwd.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(140, 130, 131, 21))
        self.lineEdit_pwd.setInputMethodHints(QtCore.Qt.ImhSensitiveData | QtCore.Qt.ImhUppercaseOnly)

        self.lineEdit_mktg.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(140, 170, 131, 21))

        self.label_name.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(71, 50, 60, 16))
        self.label_name.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | QtCore.Qt.AlignTrailing | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter)

        self.label_email.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(71, 90, 60, 16))
        self.label_email.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | QtCore.Qt.AlignTrailing | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter)

        self.label_pwd.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(70, 130, 60, 16))
        self.label_pwd.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | QtCore.Qt.AlignTrailing | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter)

        self.label_mktg.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(60, 170, 71, 20))
        self.label_mktg.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | QtCore.Qt.AlignTrailing | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter)

        button_ok = QtWidgets.QPushButton(Dialog)
        button_ok.move(200, 225)


    def retranslate_ui(self, Dialog):
        _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate
        Dialog.setWindowTitle(_translate("Dialog", "Add new student"))
        self.label_name.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Nome: "))
        self.label_email.setText(_translate("Dialog", "e-mail: "))
        self.label_pwd.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Senha:"))
        self.label_mktg.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Marketing:"))

def clear_all():
    my_form = {ui.lineEdit_name, ui.lineEdit_email, ui.lineEdit_pwd, ui.lineEdit_mktg}
    for fields in my_form: fields.clear()

def insert_record():
        if ui.lineEdit_name.text() and ui.lineEdit_email.text() and ui.lineEdit_pwd.text() and ui.lineEdit_mktg.text() != "":
            data = {'nome': ui.lineEdit_name.text(),
                    'email': ui.lineEdit_email.text(),
                    'senha': ui.lineEdit_pwd.text(),
                    'niveis_acesso_id': 1,
                    'validacao': 'sim',
                    'ativo': 0,
                    'como_chegou': ui.lineEdit_mktg.text()}

            QMessageBox.information(None, "Informação:", "Dados adicionados com sucesso!")
            QMessageBox.warning(None, "Antenção:", "Por favor preencha os campos em branco!")
    except Exception:
        QMessageBox.critical(None, "Erro:", "Não foi possível inserir os dados.\n Cheque o servidor de dados.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
    Dialog = QtWidgets.QDialog()
    ui = UiDialog()

RE: How to loop through all QLineEdit widgets on a form - deanhystad - Apr-02-2020

Then I don't understand your question. Are you wondering if there is some Qt command that clears all widgets in a window? What part of your solution don't you like?

RE: How to loop through all QLineEdit widgets on a form - JayCee - Apr-02-2020

What I don't like about my solution is having to list every single QLineEdit box on my forms in order to clear them. This particular form is ok, because it has just a few QLineEdit boxes on it, but some forms will have too many for me to clear one by one. There has got to be (hopefully) a smarter, more efficient way to accomplish this than the way I did it.

RE: How to loop through all QLineEdit widgets on a form - deanhystad - Apr-02-2020

The code I provided earlier generates a list of the QLineEdit objects for you. You don't have to type them in manually.

But I found a better way
for w in form.findChildren(QLineEdit):

RE: How to loop through all QLineEdit widgets on a form - JayCee - Apr-03-2020

Dean, you are a genious! It worked perfectly. Thank you very much for your time and help.