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Arithmetic exercice with python - Printable Version

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Arithmetic exercice with python - pythonuser1 - Apr-11-2020

Hello Guys,

I have an arithmetic exercice and I am stuck.

"Your program should read the number of students that can hold a room, then the number of students. Finally, it must display the number of rooms to reserve to hold all the students"

entries :
output :

Here is my code : (nbEleveSalle will receive 5 and nbEleve will receive 29)
nbEleveSalle = int(input())
nbEleve = int(input())
résultat = (nbEleve//nbEleveSalle)+1
The online plateform we use to validate our exercice, tells me this is not correct. Anyone have an idea please ? Thanks a lot

RE: Arithmetic exercice with python - Larz60+ - Apr-11-2020

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RE: Arithmetic exercice with python - pythonuser1 - Apr-11-2020

Hello, sorry, I edited my code. The output only says your programm give 7 instead of 6.

RE: Arithmetic exercice with python - jefsummers - Apr-11-2020

You do have a problem. What if you enter 5 and 30? The correct answer would be 6, and your program gives 7.
Instead of adding 1, you should only add 1 if the they are not evenly divisible. Use the modulo operator as your test.

RE: Arithmetic exercice with python - pythonuser1 - Apr-11-2020

Thank you Jefsummers. You're right. It's working now.