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How to detect the text above lines using OpenCV in Python - Printable Version

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How to detect the text above lines using OpenCV in Python - pframe - Apr-14-2020

I am having trouble looping through an image with lines and extract region of interest(roi) above those lines.
My code :
import cv2
import numpy as np

imgLines= cv2.HoughLinesP(imgEdges,1,np.pi/180,230, minLineLength = 700, maxLineGap = 100)
imgLinesList= list(imgLines)

line_coords_list = []
for i in range(a):
    line_coords_list.append([int(imgLines[i][0][0]), int(imgLines[i][0][1]), int(imgLines[i][0][2]), int(imgLines[i][0][3])])

print(line_coords_list)#[[85, 523, 964, 523], [85, 115, 964, 115], [85, 360, 964, 360], [85, 441, 964, 441], [85, 278, 964, 278], [85, 197, 964, 197]]

roi= img[int(line_coords_list[0][1]-82): int(line_coords_list[0][-1]), int(line_coords_list[0][0]) : int(line_coords_list[0][2])]
cv2.imshow('Roi NEW',roi) 
My test image:

The thing I don't understand is how do i loop through my line_coords_list and extract unique roi for each line detected.

For example I had to manually extract this
 roi= img[int(line_coords_list[0][1]-82): int(line_coords_list[0][-1]), int(line_coords_list[0][0]) : int(line_coords_list[0][2])] 
I just want to be able to generalise it.

Any help/advice will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you :)