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Extracting html data using attributes - Printable Version

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Extracting html data using attributes - WiPi - Apr-28-2020

Hi guys,

I am trying to extract specific data from a block of html using Beautiful and attributes and can only get so far.
THe first 3 lines of the html block are:

<div class="pagearrange__layout-column pagearrange__layout-column--full">
<a class="anchor" name="explorers"></a>
<div id="explorer_shell_159760" data-tag="41" data-hash-tag="41" data-id="159760" data-aggregating="" data-owner="0" data-userid="0" data-validate="" class="trade_explorer flexBox noflex explorer explorer--demo explorer--loaded"> 
My code is:

response = requests.get(url)
content = response.content
soup = bs(content,'lxml')
ids = soup.find('div', class_ = 'pagearrange__layout-column pagearrange__layout-column--full')
This finds the correct block of code but I now need to extract values for the element 'data-id'.

Any ideas please?


RE: Extracting html data using attributes - anbu23 - Apr-28-2020

ids = soup.find('div', id = 'explorer_shell_159760')['data-id']

RE: Extracting html data using attributes - WiPi - Apr-28-2020

There are a couple of problems with this. If I run it as-is the output is:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
Also the id has to be non-unique - the number at the end is the same number as data-id which changes depending on the url.

RE: Extracting html data using attributes - snippsat - Apr-28-2020

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

html = '''\
<div class="pagearrange__layout-column pagearrange__layout-column--full">
<a class="anchor" name="explorers"></a>
<div id="explorer_shell_159760" data-tag="41" data-hash-tag="41" data-id="159760" data-aggregating="" data-owner="0" data-userid="0" data-validate="" class="trade_explorer flexBox noflex explorer explorer--demo explorer--loaded">'''

soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')
So now can test this out,first find the div tag,so here i just use first id to find the tag.
Then will attrs get all attributes in that tag,the can as show take out wanted one.
>>> tag = soup.find(id="explorer_shell_159760")
>>> tag
<div class="trade_explorer flexBox noflex explorer explorer--demo explorer--loaded" data-aggregating="" data-hash-tag="41" data-id="159760" data-owner="0" data-tag="41" data-userid="0" data-validate="" id="explorer_shell_159760"></div>
>>> tag.attrs
{'class': ['trade_explorer',
 'data-aggregating': '',
 'data-hash-tag': '41',
 'data-id': '159760',
 'data-owner': '0',
 'data-tag': '41',
 'data-userid': '0',
 'data-validate': '',
 'id': 'explorer_shell_159760'}
>>> tag.attrs.get('data-id')
Testing out @anbu23 code so dos that work with test code.
This is more the way it should be done using attrs was more demo on what that dos.
>>> soup.find('div', id = 'explorer_shell_159760')['data-id']

RE: Extracting html data using attributes - WiPi - Apr-28-2020


Thanks for your replies I think I have the solution. As I mentioned the numbers change depending on the URL I am looking at - i.e <div id="explorer_shell_159760" might be <div id="explorer_shell_187462" in another URL so we have to search non-uniquely.
With your help and for completeness I believe this code works:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import re

response = requests.get(url)
html = response.content
soup = bs(html,'lxml')
tag = soup.find_all(id = re.compile('explorer_shell_.*'))
for data in tag:
and for the particular URL I was looking at the output:

169816 170535 170727 171268 181972 181973 185996 186092

RE: Extracting html data using attributes - WiPi - May-04-2020

Hi guys,

I'm sorry to re-ignite this thread bit I am really struggling to extract data from another set of html!!
Here's the block I am interested in:

<tbody class="explorer_tradeslist__tbody"> 
 <tr id="trade_349236564" data-ticket="349236564" class="explorer_tradeslist__row "> 
    <td class="slidetable__cell slidetable__cell--fixed" style="width: 63px; min-width: 63px;"> 
        <a id="snap_180400_trade_349236564" class="explorer__anchor explorer__anchor--trade"></a>


<td style="width: 20px; min-width: 20px;"></td> <td style="width: 103px; min-width: 103px;">
I am trying to extract the text 'NZDCAD'.

These are all the variants I have tried so far...all unsuccessful!

tag=soup.find('a',class_ = 'explorer__anchor explorer__anchor--trade')
tag=soup.find_all('td',class_ = 'slidetable__cell slidetable__cell--fixed')
table=soup.find('table',class_='explorer_tradeslist__table alternating slidetable__table')
tag=soup.find(class_='slidetable__cell slidetable__cell--fixed',attrs={'id':'snap_180400_trade_349236564'})
Are you able to put me out of my misery please?

RE: Extracting html data using attributes - anbu23 - May-04-2020

import bs4
html_string='''<tbody class="explorer_tradeslist__tbody"> 
 <tr id="trade_349236564" data-ticket="349236564" class="explorer_tradeslist__row "> 
    <td class="slidetable__cell slidetable__cell--fixed" style="width: 63px; min-width: 63px;"> 
        <a id="snap_180400_trade_349236564" class="explorer__anchor explorer__anchor--trade"></a>
<td style="width: 20px; min-width: 20px;"></td> <td style="width: 103px; min-width: 103px;">
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html_string)
soup.find("td",class_="slidetable__cell slidetable__cell--fixed").text

RE: Extracting html data using attributes - WiPi - May-04-2020

I tried this and the output was 'Develop' which is weird as this is in the full html but under different tag names:

<li class="left noborder nolink explorer__headerli explorer__headerli--title"> 
 <strong class="explorer__titlesegment explorer__titlesegment--title">
  <span class="icon icon--explorer-demo"></span>
 <span class="explorer__titlesegment explorer__titlesegment--pipe">|</span> 

RE: Extracting html data using attributes - anbu23 - May-04-2020

Its wierd. Can you post code you tried?

RE: Extracting html data using attributes - WiPi - May-04-2020

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import requests
html = 'url'
html = response.content
soup = bs(html,'lxml')
tag=soup.find("td",class_="slidetable__cell slidetable__cell--fixed").text
Actually I don't know what I did first time around but this returns 'None' now so I guess it didn't find anything.