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Improved Python support in SonarLint (PyCharm! Eclipse!) - Printable Version

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Improved Python support in SonarLint (PyCharm! Eclipse!) - ganncamp - Apr-29-2020

Hi all,

If you're using SonarLint to catch errors in your IDE while you code, you'll be happy to know that we've just improved Python support:

In Intellij IDEA/PyCharm
* 2 more Python rules
* improved accuracy with the use of type information for builtins

In Eclipse
* 29 new rules
* Support for Python 3.8
* improved accuracy with the use of type information for builtins
(Yeah, we had a little catching up to do here.)

SonarLint is a free IDE extension that helps you write better code. Best of all, in connected mode it will apply the same rules that you use for your SonarQube or SonarCloud analysis.
