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iPython tab completion of method variable - Printable Version

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iPython tab completion of method variable - sixteenornumber - Mar-31-2017

is there any way to get iPython to recognize the type of "each" in B.printBarList().  for example I want to use tab-complete in iPython so I type "each." but it doesn't know the type.  

class A:
    def __init__(self):
        self._foo = "FOO"

    def getFoo(self):
        return self._foo
from A import A
class B:

    def createBarList(self):
        '''create 10 instances of A in barList'''
        barList = []
        for i in range(10):
        return barList

    def printBarList(self, barList):
        Itter over each A in barList and print each
        ***MY QUESTION*** the "each" in the loop below
        for each in barList:

if __name__ == "__main__":

    b = b()
    barList = b.createBarList()
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RE: iPython tab completion of method variable - sixteenornumber - Apr-04-2017

I found my answer.  as of python 3.5 

import typing

def foo(bar: int) --> int:
    return bar**2

in ipython when you enter,  "foo()" it wll prompt with "bar: int returns int". this also works with class types.

class Baz:
    def __init__(self):

def foo(bar: Baz) --> None:
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