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Closing Files - CSV Reader/Writer - Printable Version

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Closing Files - CSV Reader/Writer - lummers - May-24-2020


I am trying to write a script which will:
1. Download all the emails in a specific Outlook folder to a directory on my machine (.msg format)
2. Loop through each .msg file and create a .csv

The contents of the email is a tab-delimited table. So, I am basically saving the email message which contains the table and trying to convert it into a CSV file.

What I have works but I want to improve. Specifically: do I need to create a text file for this? It's a file I don't require and am deleting manually. If I don't need it, how can I adjust my script?

Also, and probably relatedly, what is the best approach to closing the file? Running the script seems to leave the file still open and need to restart my kernel (using Jupyter) before I can work with the files. I have tried adjust the following line to have it in a with block but getting stuck on how to adjust it to also use the delimiter (getting type errors).

    in_txt = csv.reader(open(text_file_string, "r"), delimiter = '\t')
Thanks for any help!

import extract_msg
import csv
import os
import pathlib
import glob
import pathlib
from win32com.client import Dispatch

# This block will find all the messages in a specifc Outlook folder and save them to specific directory on desktop

outlook = Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI") 
inbox = outlook.GetDefaultFolder(6).Folders.Item("Container Data")

messages = inbox.items

savepath = r'C:\Users\lummers\Downloads\2020-05-24 shadow results\location' 

for msg in messages:
    name = str(msg.subject)
    name = name + '.msg'
    name = name.replace(":","--")
    finalsavepath = os.path.join(savepath, name)
    # print(finalsavepath)

path = r'C:\Users\lummers\Downloads\2020-05-24 shadow results\location' 
files = os.listdir(path)

#Creates a list for every .msg file in the path
msg_files = [i for i in files if i.endswith('.msg')]

#Esablish new list called pathfiles
#Loops through the msg_files list and appends the filepath of .msg file to the new list

pathfiles = []

for i in msg_files: 
    createpath = os.path.join(path, i)

for i in pathfiles:
    msg = extract_msg.Message(i)
    email_body = msg.body
    email_body_output = email_body.replace("\t \r\n", "\t \r")
    text_file_string = i + str(".txt")
    csv_file_string = i + str(".csv")
    text_file = open(text_file_string, "w")
    n = text_file.write(email_body_output)

    in_txt = csv.reader(open(text_file_string, "r"), delimiter = '\t')

    with (open(csv_file_string, 'w', newline='')) as f:
        writer = csv.writer(f)

RE: Closing Files - CSV Reader/Writer - mcmxl22 - May-28-2020

You can use something like os.remove("file_name.csv") to remove unwanted files.

RE: Closing Files - CSV Reader/Writer - Knight18 - May-28-2020

You want to close the file? Isn't that why use the with statement, so don't we don't have to close it? That's what i heard.