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Terminal vs IDLE for Ortho4XP - Printable Version

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Terminal vs IDLE for Ortho4XP - OldSubSailor - May-26-2020

I hope this is the right place.
There seems to be some sort of difference between running Ortho4XP from the Macintosh terminal and running it with IDLE. I had been hoping to make the Ortho4XP python script launch with IDLE rather than opening the terminal and entering the python3 command line (note that the terminal is how the instructions say to do it).

The both methods appear to run and create the tile until the final step of extracting overlays. IDLE generates an error message and appears to hang-up on this step. Terminal has no issues.

After creating the tile with IDLE and quitting both IDLE and Ortho4XP, one can restart Ortho4XP from terminal and go through the extract overlays step and things go just fine.

So what in the world would be the difference?