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How to subtract the DayOfWeek from date from a integer? - Printable Version

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How to subtract the DayOfWeek from date from a integer? - DarkCoder2020 - May-27-2020

I'm trying to subtract a date such as 05/01/2020 from a integer such as -1. Any suggestions?


            dteStartDate =datetime.strptime(dteStartDate,'%m/%d/%Y').date()
            if dteStartDate.weekday() != 1 :
                cnt = cnt+1
                dteStartDate = m0weekbeg - cnt
Error is below:
File "C:\Python37-32\", line 251, in proceed
dteStartDate = m0weekbeg - cnt
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'

RE: How to subtract the DayOfWeek from date from a integer? - scidam - May-27-2020

Use datetime.timedelta instead. Something like the following:

dteStartDate=m0weekbeg - datetime.timedelta(days=cnt)

RE: How to subtract the DayOfWeek from date from a integer? - bowlofred - May-27-2020

Are you looking to change the date by an integral number of days? Then create a timedelta object and add or subtract that.

>>>, 5, 27)
>>> + datetime.timedelta(4), 5, 31)
>>> + datetime.timedelta(-873), 1, 5)