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changing animation speed using buttons in python - Printable Version

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changing animation speed using buttons in python - microwave - Jun-24-2020

I need help with animation speed in my simple game similar to pong. I am currently trying to have two buttons which will change the speed of "an egg". My plan for the game is that if you click on the "fast game", "the egg" will move downwards in 10 miliseconds and if you click on the "slow game", "the egg" will move downwards in 100 miliseconds.

And this is the code I am currently trying to change:

import tkinter
from random import *

canvas = tkinter.Canvas(width=600, heigh=300, bg="lightgreen")

import winsound

def draw_egg(x, y):
    canvas.create_oval(x-5, y-7,x+5, y+7, fill='wheat')

def draw_bowl(x, y):
    canvas.create_polygon (x, y-10, x+50,y-10, x+40,y+10, x+10, y+10, fill='brown',)

def count_points(number_of_points):
    canvas.create_text(100, 10, text='Number of points:')
    canvas.create_text(200, 10, text=number_of_points)

def lives (number_of_lives):
    canvas.create_text(400, 10, text='Number of lives:', fill="red")
    canvas.create_text(500, 10, text=number_of_lives, fill="red")

def fast_game():

def slow_game():

def  egg_falling():
    global egg_x, egg_y, number_of_points, number_of_lives
    egg_y = egg_y + 5
    draw_egg(egg_x, egg_y)
    draw_bowl(bowl_x, bowl_y)
    if egg_y>300:
        egg_x = randrange(300)
        egg_y = 20
        number_of_points = number_of_points       
        number_of_lives = number_of_lives -1
        winsound.PlaySound("SystemHand", winsound.SND_ALIAS)

    if bowl_x<egg_x<bowl_x+50 and bowl_y-10<egg_y<bowl_y:
        number_of_points= number_of_points + 10
        egg_x = randrange(600)
        egg_y = 20
        winsound.PlaySound("SystemExit", winsound.SND_ALIAS)

    if number_of_lives < 1:

    canvas.after(milisekundy, vajco_pada)

def game_over():
    vajco_y = 0
    canvas.create_text (300, 50, text= "GAME OVER", font= "arial 60")
    canvas.create_text (200, 200, text= "SCORE:",)
    canvas.create_text (400, 200, text= number_of_lives,)
def mouse(coordinates):
    global number_of_points, bowl_x, number_of_lives, bowl_y 
    bowl_x= coordinates.x
    draw_egg(egg_x, egg_y)
    draw_bowl(bowl_x, bowl_y)
    lives (number_of_lives)

    if number_of_points < 1:
number_of_points = 0
number_of_lives = 3
egg_x = randrange(300)
egg_y = 20
bowl_x = 150
bowl_y = 250

button2 = tkinter.Button(text='fast game', command = fast_game)

button1 = tkinter.Button(text='slow game', command = slow_game)

canvas.bind('<Motion>', mouse)

RE: changing animation speed using buttons in python - GOTO10 - Jun-24-2020

What issue are you encountering? There are a few obvious problems with your code that may have come from translating to English. You have "milisekundy" in some lines and "miliseconds" in others. You also have "vajco" in place of "egg" in a few spots. Your mouse() function calls game_over() based on number_of_points instead of number_of_lives.

Your code looks like it would probably work with a few corrections. If you are getting an error message or an unexpected result, you need to tell us what's happening before we can help you figure it out.