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Why is the item not in list when it is - Printable Version

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Why is the item not in list when it is - DanielCook - Jul-08-2020


import random
deck = ["2+diamonds","3+diamonds","4+diamonds","5+diamonds","6+diamonds","7+diamonds","8+diamonds","9+diamonds","10+diamonds","j+diamonds","q+diamonds","k+diamonds","a+diamonds","2+clubs","3+clubs","4+clubs","5+clubs","6+clubs","7+clubs","8+clubs","9+clubs","10+clubs","j+clubs","q+clubs","k+clubs","a+clubs","2+hearts","3+hearts","4+hearts","5+hearts","6+hearts","7+hearts","8+hearts","9+hearts","10+hearts","j+hearts","q+hearts","k+hearts","a+hearts","2+spades","3+spades","4+spades","5+spades","6+spades","7+spades","8+spades","9+spades","10+spades","j+spades","q+spades","k+spades","a+spades"]
playershand = []
dealerhand = []

for i in range (2):
    a = (random.choice(deck))

firstcard = playershand[0]
secondcard = playershand[1]
x = firstcard.split("+")
y = secondcard.split("+")

num1 = x[0]
num2 = y[0]

if num1 == ("2") or num1 == ("3") or num1 == ("4") or num1 == ("5") or num1 == ("6") or num1 == ("7") or num1 == ("8") or num1 == ("9") or num1 == ("10"):
    num1 = int(num1)
if num1 == ("j") or num1 == ("q") or num1 == ("k"):
    num1 = (10)
    num1 = int(num1)
if num1 == ("a"):
    num1 = (11)
    num1 = int(num1)
if num2 == ("2") or num2 == ("3") or num2 == ("4") or num2 == ("5") or num2 == ("6") or num2 == ("7") or num2 == ("8") or num2 == ("9") or num2 == ("10"):
    num2 = int(num2)
if num2 == ("j") or num2 == ("q") or num2 == ("k"):
    num2 = (10)
    num2 = int(num2)
if num2 == ("a"):
    num2 = (11)
    num2 = int(num2)

total = (num1 + num2)
print("The total is",total)

b = (random.choice(deck))
c = (random.choice(deck))
#to edit
print("The dealer has", b,c)

b = b.split("+")
c = c.split("+")

dnum1 = b[0]
dnum2 = c[0]

if dnum1 == ("2") or dnum1 == ("3") or dnum1 == ("4") or dnum1 == ("5") or dnum1 == ("6") or dnum1 == ("7") or dnum1 == ("8") or dnum1 == ("9") or dnum1 == ("10"):
    dnum1 = int(dnum1)
if dnum1 == ("j") or dnum1 == ("q") or dnum1 == ("k"):
    dnum1 = (10)
    dnum1 = int(dnum1)
if dnum1 == ("a"):
    dnum1 = (11)
    dnum1 = int(dnum1)
if dnum2 == ("2") or dnum2 == ("3") or dnum2 == ("4") or dnum2 == ("5") or dnum2 == ("6") or dnum2 == ("7") or dnum2 == ("8") or dnum2 == ("9") or dnum2 == ("10"):
    num2 = int(num2)
if dnum2 == ("j") or dnum2 == ("q") or dnum2 == ("k"):
    dnum2 = (10)
    dnum2 = int(dnum2)
if dnum2 == ("a"):
    dnum2 = (11)
    dnum2 = int(dnum2)

dnum1 = int(dnum1)
dnum2 = int(dnum2)
dtotal = dnum1 + dnum2

ans = input("Would you like another card? (y/n)")
if ans == "y":
    xcard = (random.choice(deck))
    print (playershand)
    x = xcard.split("+")
    num = x[0]
    if num == ("2") or num == ("3") or num == ("4") or num == ("5") or num == ("6") or num == ("7") or num == ("8") or num == ("9") or num == ("10"):
        num = int(num)
    if num == ("j") or num == ("q") or num == ("k"):
        num = (10)
        num = int(num)
    if num == ("a"):
        num = (11)
        num = int(num)
        total = num1 + num2 + num
    print (total)
    if total > 21:
        print("BUST, you lose!")
Why is this return after asking for a another card, xcard not in list

RE: Why is the item not in list when it is - TomToad - Jul-08-2020

You need to put your code between python tags when posting.
Also, when you pick the new card, you try to remove it from the deck twice.

RE: Why is the item not in list when it is - deanhystad - Jul-08-2020

I'm sure you found by now that you were removing xcard twice.

Why are you surrounding this code with ()?
b = (random.choice(deck))
This would make a tuple if there were more than one card drawn.
b = (random.choice(deck), random.choice(deck))
('8+spades', 'j+spades')
You would have quickly discovered this if Python didn't have a strange requirement that an initializer for a tuple with a single value has to have a trailing comma
this_is_a_string = ('some text')
this_is_a_tuple = ('some text',)
I bet you are getting really tired of typing this:
firstcard = playershand[0]
secondcard = playershand[1]
x = firstcard.split("+")
y = secondcard.split("+")
num1 = x[0]
num2 = y[0]
if num1 == ("2") or num1 == ("3") or num1 == ("4") or num1 == ("5") or num1 == ("6") or num1 == ("7") or num1 == ("8") or num1 == ("9") or num1 == ("10"):
    num1 = int(num1)
if num1 == ("j") or num1 == ("q") or num1 == ("k"):
    num1 = (10)
    num1 = int(num1)
if num1 == ("a"):
    num1 = (11)
    num1 = int(num1)
if num2 == ("2") or num2 == ("3") or num2 == ("4") or num2 == ("5") or num2 == ("6") or num2 == ("7") or num2 == ("8") or num2 == ("9") or num2 == ("10"):
    num2 = int(num2)
if num2 == ("j") or num2 == ("q") or num2 == ("k"):
    num2 = (10)
    num2 = int(num2)
if num2 == ("a"):
    num2 = (11)
    num2 = int(num2)
Python has a lot of neat features that make writing this kind of code mush shorter. Here's a shorter way to make a shuffled deck of cards and dealing two hands.
import random
rank = {'2':2, '3':3, '4':4, '5':5, '6':6, '7':7, '8':8, '9':9, \
        '10':10, 'J':10, 'Q':10, 'K':10, 'A':11}
suit = {'C':'Clubs', 'D':'Diamonds', 'H':'Hearts', 'S':'Spades'}
deck = [r + s for s in suit for r in rank]

playerhand = [deck.pop(), deck.pop()]
dealerhand= [deck.pop(), deck.pop()]
rank and suit are dictionaries, something you need to learn about to write Python programs. deck is a list comprehension, a shorthand way for making lists that is usually more efficient than using loops.
pop() removes the first card in the deck. It combines "card = deck[0] and deck.remove(card)".

Use functions for tasks you perform more than once or twice. To get the value of a card:
def cardvalue(card):
    """Return numerical value of card"""
    return rank[card[:-1]]
If card is '10S', this gets the substring '10' and returns the associated value 10 from the rank dictionary. If it was 'AC' it would look up 'A' and return 11.

If you don't like names like '2C' or 'KS' write a function to make pretty names:
ranknames = {'2':'Duece', '3':'Three', '4':'Four', '5':'Five', '6':'Six', \
             '7':'Seven', '8':'Eight', '9':'Nine', '10':'Ten', 'J':'Jack', \
             'Q':'Queen', 'K':'King', 'A':'Ace'}

def cardname(card):
    return f'{ranknames[card[:-1]]} of {suit[card[-1]]}'
What you do not want to do, and I cannot stress this enough, is write the same single use code over and over.