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[PyQt] PyQT5 Thread crashes after a while - Printable Version

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PyQT5 Thread crashes after a while - Suresh - Jul-21-2020

This is my first thread. So please forgive if any mistake on my part. I have developed an application using opencv, pyqt5 and python. I am trying to capture live images from Flir Camera which comes with it's own SDK.
I have already tested this camera and code separately using thread which worked for almost hours. But now, I am am getting issues and I have a doubt if I have understood the threading correctly. This is a huge code that is why I removed the actual code in functions and sort of showing only the heirarchy of the functions and calls. I request help in sorting out this issue. In case any one wants to view the complete code please mention.
Please note I removed the code to make it easy to read and find the issue.
The issue is the code gets stuck after some time and crashes. When using Spyder, I get kernel restart . When i am using an exe created with pyInstaller, the exe crashes and shuts down after some time.
The following is the code
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5 import QtGui
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
from PyQt5 import QtCore
import time
from time import time as my_timer
import traceback, sys
from dbqry import * # custom developed python code in another file
from dberror import * # custom developed python code in another file

import numpy
import math
import serial
#from manual_check123 import *
from manual_check123_Spin_ManiHeirarchy import * # custom developed python code in another file
import os.path
from os import path
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import datetime
import PDevApi

class VisionProcess(QObject):
    Defines the signals available from a running worker thread.

    Supported signals are:

        No data

        `tuple` (exctype, value, traceback.format_exc() )

        `object` data returned from processing, anything

        `int` indicating % progress

    finished = pyqtSignal()
    error = pyqtSignal(tuple)
    result = pyqtSignal(object)
    progress = pyqtSignal(numpy.ndarray,str) # modified #240520

class VisionR(QRunnable):
    VisionR thread

    Inherits from QRunnable to handler worker thread setup, signals and wrap-up.

    :param callback: The function callback to run on this worker thread. Supplied args and
                     kwargs will be passed through to the runner.
    :type callback: function
    :param args: Arguments to pass to the callback function
    :param kwargs: Keywords to pass to the callback function


    def __init__(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):
        super(VisionR, self).__init__()

        # Store constructor arguments (re-used for processing)
        self.fn = fn
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.signals = VisionProcess()

        # Add the callback to our kwargs
        self.kwargs['progress_callback'] = self.signals.progress
        # self.kwargs['progress_callback'] = self.signals.pass_image

    def run(self):
        Initialise the runner function with passed args, kwargs.

        # Retrieve args/kwargs here; and fire processing using them
            result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
            exctype, value = sys.exc_info()[:2]
            self.signals.error.emit((exctype, value, traceback.format_exc()))
            self.signals.result.emit(result)  # Return the result of the processing
            self.signals.finished.emit()  # Done

class Color(QWidget):
    def __init__(self, color, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Color, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        palette = self.palette()
        palette.setColor(QPalette.Window, QColor(color))

class MainWindow(QMainWindow):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.counter = 0
        self.video_file_exists = False
        self.frame_counter = 0
        self.video_frame_count = 0
        self.run_loop = True
        self.vision_thread_start = False
        self.worker = None
        self.video_acq_run = False # doubtul to remove debug used to start and stop the video. Might not be needed for cam
        self.video_stop_by_button = False # debug need to be removed
        # self.cap = None
        # new Display Code pyQT
        left = 50
        top = 50
        width = 640
        height = 480
        self.setGeometry(left, top, width, height)
        # Modbus Variables Start
        self.read_modbus_flag = 1
        self.write_modbus_flag = 0
        self.mb_connected = False
        # self.client =  ModbusClient('', port=502) #modbusuncomment
        # self.client =  ModbusClient('localhost', port=502)
        # plc to PC
        self.curr_plc_command = 0
        self.prev_plc_command = 0
        self.next_plc_command = 0
        self.prevPLCSignal = 0



        self.home_pass = False
        self.lowbeam_fwd_pass = False
        self.lowbeam_rev_pass = False
        self.highbeam_pass = False
        # Modbus write value variables
        self.motor_fw_rv_off = 0  # 0 is motor stop 1 Motor fwrd 2 motor rev 3
        self.lb_on  = 1
        self.lb_off = 2
        self.mot_off = 3
        self.mot_fwd = 4
        self.mot_rev = 5
        self.hb_on = 6
        self.hb_off = 7

        self.write_mb_test_result = 0
        self.mb_connect_tried =0
        self.mb_connect_try_stop_at = 3
        self.start_time = my_timer()
        self.start_time2 = my_timer()
        self.running_time  = my_timer()+ 100
        self.prev_time  = my_timer()
        self.elapsed_time = 0

        self.write_modbus_arr = [0,0]

        # Modbus Variables End
        # Vision Variables Start
        # other variables
        self.pr_name_in_hmi = ""
        self.curr_jig_product = 0 # value 12 assigned for testing make it 0 latter
        self.prev_jig_product = 0 # value 12 assigned for testing make it 0 latter
        self.envOK = 0

        # variables for drawing rectangle

        self.orig_frame = None
        self.temp_img = None #
        self.img = None #
        self.ix,self.iy=-1,-1 #
        # final rectangle co ordinates
        self.fsx,self.fsy = 0,0 # FinalStartX FinalStartY
        self.fex,self.fey = 0,0 # FinalEndX FinalEndY

        self.pr_Pos_H,self.pr_Pos_L =0,0
        self.pr_Pos_M = 0
        self.image_file_path = "../templates/"
        # Home / Frwd Location 1 , 2 , 3 co ordinates
        # Home co ords.
        self.hm_top_x=[0,0,0,0] # first element is dummy
        # tolerance roi
        self.hm_tol_top_x=[0,0,0,0] # first element is dummy

        # common
        # Fwrd Co ords
        # tolerance roi co ord
        self.fw_tol_top_x=[0,0,0,0] # first element is dummy

        # Template Find ROI Co ordinates
        self.tm_top_left=[0] # first element is dummy
        self.tm_tolerance = 30
        # ROI mid points

        # self.show_rectangle =0
        self.r_color_id = 0 # this is index of r_Color
        self.show_rect_id = 0 # this is for home, forward, reverse rectangle
        self.r_Color=[(170,255,0),(0,255,0),(0,0,255),(255,255,)] # 0 Cyan 1 Green 2 Red 3 Yellow

        self.show_home_rect = False
        self.top_X,self.top_Y,self.bot_X,self.bot_Y =0,0,0,0
        # mod050720 variable declaration
        self.defined_tol_mtpt1,self.defined_tol_mtpt2 = 0,0
        self.com_tol_top_X,self.com_tol_top_Y,self.com_tol_bot_X,self.com_tol_bot_Y =0,0,0,0
        self.home_at_fw_start_x,self.home_at_fw_start_y =0,0 ## final home position when home ok and forward starts
        # the above at_fw_start will be the return to base value when reverse is done

        self.show_template_rectange_hmfw = 0 # 1 --> hm 2 --> fw
        self.btn_color = "NA"
        self.str_ret_val = "NA"
        self.seq_begin_timer = my_timer()
        self.home_midpoint_call_spacing = my_timer() #
        # end variables for drawing rectanlge
        # variables from manis code for table
        self.hllareq = 0
        self.barcodereq = 0
        self.prndata = ""
        self.hminame = ""
        self.custcode =""
        self.prodcode = ""
        self.cpartcode = ""
        self.ctime = None
        self.lampnametype = ""
        self.day_of_year =
        self.conn = None
        self.lastserial_fromtable =0
        self.serialtoprint =0
        self.print_bc_only_once = 9
        self.custprodyydayofyear =""
        self.final_test_pass  = 0
        self.final_test_fail = 0

        # Vision Variables End
        # UI Widgets, layouts etc
        mainLayout = QVBoxLayout()
        titleLayout = QHBoxLayout()
        statusLayout = QHBoxLayout()
        imgLayout = QVBoxLayout()
        lblLayout   = QVBoxLayout()
        btnLayout = QVBoxLayout()
        roundBtnLayout = QHBoxLayout()
        btnFWRVLayout = QHBoxLayout()
        plotLayOut = QHBoxLayout()



        # self.l = QLabel("Start") = QLabel("Time")

        # folloing is a label used to display camera input. Continually updated
        self.imgdis = QtWidgets.QLabel(self)
        self.imgdis.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(150, 100, 1000, 600))#740,512

        self.hBeamBtn = QPushButton(self)
        # self.hBeamBtn.setObjectName("hBeamBtn")

        titleLbl = QLabel("Light Beam Testing System")
        self.prdLbl = QLabel("Product")
        self.testRunningLbl = QLabel("Test Running")
        self.mbBtn = QPushButton("PLC") # new buttons
        self.camBtn = QPushButton("CAMERA") # new buttons
        self.dumBtn = QPushButton("DUM") # new buttons
        self.visionStartStop = QPushButton("Start")

        self.videoStartStop = QPushButton("Video ON") # Debug to remove latter

        self.lBeamBtn = QPushButton("LOWBEAM")
        self.hmPassBtn = QPushButton("HOME")
        self.fwPassBtn = QPushButton("FRWD")
        self.rvPassBtn = QPushButton("RVRS")
        self.allTestBtn = QPushButton("ALLPASS")
        self.prnStatusBtn = QPushButton("PRINT")
        # startBtn.pressed.connect(self.start_run)

        self.videoStartStop.pressed.connect(self.video_start_stop) # debug to remove latter

        self.prdLbl.setAlignment( Qt.AlignHCenter)
        self.testRunningLbl.setAlignment( Qt.AlignHCenter)
        titleLbl.setAlignment( Qt.AlignHCenter)
        titleLbl.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: blue;font-size: 36px;height: 60px;width: 250px;")
        self.prdLbl.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: cyan;font-size: 24px;height: 60px;width: 150px;")
        self.testRunningLbl.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: yellow;font-size: 24px;height: 60px;width: 150px;")

        self.hBeamBtn.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: grey;font-size: 12px;height: 28px;width: 80px;")
        self.lBeamBtn.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: white;font-size: 12px;height: 14px;width: 80px;")
        self.hmPassBtn.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: grey;font-size: 12px;height: 28px;width: 80px;")
        self.fwPassBtn.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: grey;font-size: 12px;height: 28px;width: 80px;")
        self.rvPassBtn.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: grey;font-size: 12px;height: 28px;width: 80px;")
        self.allTestBtn.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: grey;font-size: 12px;height: 28px;width: 80px;")
        self.prnStatusBtn.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: grey;font-size: 12px;height: 28px;width: 80px;")
        # startBtn.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: green;font-size: 12px;height: 28px;width: 80px;")
        self.visionStartStop.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: red;font-size: 12px;height: 28px;width: 80px;")
        # new buttons
        self.mbBtn.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: green; border: 2px solid #555; border-radius: 20px; border-style: outset; background: qradialgradient(cx: 0.3, cy: -0.4, fx: 0.3, fy: -0.4,radius: 1.35, stop: 0 #fff, stop: 1 #888);padding: 5px;    font-size: 12px;height: 30px;width: 30px;")
        self.camBtn.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: green; border: 2px solid #555; border-radius: 20px; border-style: outset; background: qradialgradient(cx: 0.3, cy: -0.4, fx: 0.3, fy: -0.4,radius: 1.35, stop: 0 #fff, stop: 1 #888);padding: 5px;    font-size: 12px;height: 30px;width: 30px;")
        self.dumBtn.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: green; border: 2px solid #555; border-radius: 20px; border-style: outset; background: qradialgradient(cx: 0.3, cy: -0.4, fx: 0.3, fy: -0.4,radius: 1.35, stop: 0 #fff, stop: 1 #888);padding: 5px;    font-size: 12px;height: 30px;width: 30px;")"font:bold:font-size: 20px;height: 30px;width: 30px;")

        # title2Layout.addWidget(prdLbl)
        # title2Layout.addWidget(testRunningLbl)

        # btnLayout.addWidget(self.testRunningLbl)


        roundBtnLayout.addWidget(self.mbBtn)  # new buttons
        roundBtnLayout.addWidget(self.dumBtn)  # new buttons
        roundBtnLayout.addWidget(self.camBtn)  # new buttons

        # btnLayout.addWidget(mbBtn)

        btnLayout.addWidget(self.videoStartStop) # debug to remove
        # statusLayout.addWidget(self.l)
        statusLayout.addWidget( )
        # statusLayout.addWidget(self.maxt)

        widget = QWidget()
        widget.setLayout(mainLayout) # since only 1 layout is set to the widget. This one must contain others
        # new Display Code pyQT END
        widget = QWidget()
        widget.setLayout(mainLayout) # since only 1 layout is set to the widget. This one must contain others
        self.threadpool = QThreadPool()
        #print("Multithreading with maximum %d threads" % self.threadpool.maxThreadCount())

        self.timer = QTimer()
        frame = cv2.imread('../templates/dispimg.png',1)
        # =============================================================================
        Top = cv2.resize(frame, None, fx=0.65, fy=0.65)
        Top_Image1 = cv2.resize(Top, (1000,600)) # 740, 512
        # Top_Image1=cv2.cvtColor(Top_Image1, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)

        #print ("starting modbus ")
        if cam_detected:
            self.video_acq_run = True
            self.camBtn.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: green; border: 2px solid #555; border-radius: 20px; border-style: outset; background: qradialgradient(cx: 0.3, cy: -0.4, fx: 0.3, fy: -0.4,radius: 1.35, stop:0 white, stop: 0.01 gray, stop:1 green);padding: 5px;    font-size: 12px;height: 30px;width: 30px;")
            self.video_acq_run = False
            self.camBtn.setStyleSheet("font: bold; color: black; border: 2px solid #555; border-radius: 20px; border-style: outset; background:  qradialgradient(cx: 0.3, cy: -0.4, fx: 0.3, fy: -0.4,radius: 1.35, stop:0 white, stop: 0.01 gray, stop:1 red);padding: 5px;    font-size: 12px;height: 30px;width: 30px;")
            print("no Camera")
        # self.start_modbus()
        self.envOK = self.check_environment()

        # self.modbus_connect() #modbusuncomment
        # PDevAPI section below
        PDev_CardNumber = 11
        Pdev_Port = 1
        Pdev_Line = 0
        Pdev_Direction = 1
        pinval= PDevApi.RegisterCard(11,0)
        rd = 0
        # PDEV Api section above

    # init UI

    # End Init UI
    # Adlink PDEV code below
    def read_dio(self): # # # called from run_vision_function once every 5 seconds
        self.curr_plc_command = 1
        # Actually around 20 statements to read an external DAQ Device and set the above value which
        # can be anything from 1 to 129

    def out_home7(self,onOff): #called from run_vision_function once every 15 seconds
        rd = 0
        if onOff==1:

            out = PDevApi.DOWriteLine(0,0,7,1) # trying to switch off all outputs at a go provide
            print("Home Aiming Ok Signal Sent")
        elif onOff==2:
            out = PDevApi.DOWriteLine(0,0,7,0)

    def out_pass(self): # # called from run_vision_function once every 15 seconds either 1 pass or fail
        #same as out_home7 to switch on outputs on DAQ
        # print ("Pass On ")

    def out_fail(self): # # called from run_vision_function once every 15 seconds either one pass or fail
        rd = 0
        #same as out_home7 to switch on outputs on DAQ

    def out_motor_fw(self,fw_on_off): # # called from run_vision_function once every 15 seconds
        rd = 0
        #same as out_motor_rv to switch on outputs on DAQ

    def out_motor_rv(self,rv_on_off): #called from run_vision_function once every 15 seconds
        rd = 0
        # Leaving the original code to give an insight of the code is like
        if self.prev_motor_rw_signal==0:
            if rv_on_off ==1 : # forward on
                out = PDevApi.DOWriteLine(0,0,2,0) # forward off
                out = PDevApi.DOWriteLine(0,0,3,1) # reverse on
                #print ("Motor Reverse On "  )
                #elif rv_on_off ==2 : # reverse off
                out = PDevApi.DOWriteLine(0,0,3,0) # reverse off
                out = PDevApi.DOWriteLine(0,0,2,0)  # forward off
                #print ("Motor Reverse Off "  )
    def out_motor_off(self): # # called from run_vision_function once every 15 seconds
        rd = 0
        #same as out_motor_rv to switch on outputs on DAQ
        # called on if condition

    def imgdisplay1(self, p_TopImage): # called from run_vision_function continously almost every 300 milli seconds
        # called continously
        pixmap1 = QPixmap(p_TopImage)


    def check_environment(self): # called only once at start of progam
        time_expired = 0
        # key_location = "F:\\vision37\\envtext.bin" # A safe place to store a key. Can be on a USB or even locally on the machine (not recommended unless it has been further encrypted)
        key_location = ".\\envtext.bin" # A safe place to store a key. Can be on a USB or even locally on the machine (not recommended unless it has been further encrypted)

        str_message = ''
        file_exists = os.path.exists(key_location)

        # read a text file process and return values as below
        # called only once

    def progress_fn(self, tp_image, strval):


    def video_start_stop(self): # invoked by QButton
        if self.video_stop_by_button == True:
            self.video_stop_by_button = False
            self.video_stop_by_button = True
    def draw_rectangles(self,Top_Image1): # called from run_vision_function continously
        # following code is mostly to draw rectangles, Lines on the image before display
        # can skip this part of the code. Leaving it for your reference
        tlr = self.tm_tolerance - 15 # to draw closer
        if self.show_template_rectange_hmfw == 1:# this is to show home  template match boxes
            # print ("Entered imgdisplay through do_template_check ")
            for x in range (1,4):
                # print("imgdisplay point 1" )
                if (self.hm_top_x[x] !=0) & (self.hm_top_y[x]-tlr !=0) & \
                        (self.hm_bot_x[x] !=0) & (self.hm_bot_y[x] !=0 ) :

                    roi_top_left = (self.hm_top_x[x]-tlr,self.hm_top_y[x]-tlr)
                    roi_bot_right = (self.hm_bot_x[x]+tlr,self.hm_bot_y[x]+tlr)



            if ((self.show_rect_id ==1) or(self.show_rect_id ==3)):  # mod130720 newly added if statement
                #if (self.show_rect_id in range (1,4)): #mod130720 this line is commented out

                c_color = self.r_Color[self.r_color_id]

                # cv2.rectangle(Top_Image1,(self.top_X,self.top_Y), (self.bot_X,self.bot_Y),c_color,2)
                cv2.rectangle(Top_Image1,(self.top_X,self.top_Y), (self.bot_X,self.bot_Y),(170,255,0),2) # fixed color
                # mod050720 drawing circle at the point
      ,(self.defined_tol_mtpt1,self.defined_tol_mtpt2 ),3,[0,0,255],-1)
                # self.fw_line=0 Following is for actual tolerance rectangle check Modify this latter with common variables

                cv2.rectangle(Top_Image1,(self.com_tol_top_X ,self.com_tol_top_Y),(self.com_tol_bot_X,self.com_tol_bot_Y),c_color,2)

            elif (self.show_rect_id ==5):   # show forward line only #130720 latter try to change the 5 to 1
                c_color = self.r_Color[self.r_color_id]
                # drawing a line
                height, width, channels = Top_Image1.shape
                line_thickness = 2
                x_end = (width) # self.defined_tol_mtpt1
                #fw_check draw line self.fw_line=0
                cv2.line(Top_Image1, (0, self.fw_line ), (x_end, self.fw_line), c_color, thickness=line_thickness) #mod130720 commented out

                #cv2.line(Top_Image1, (0, self.defined_tol_mtpt2 ), (x_end, self.defined_tol_mtpt2), c_color, thickness=line_thickness) #mod130720 commented out

        Top_Image2 = cv2.resize(Top_Image1, (1000,600)) #740, 512
        Top_Image2=cv2.cvtColor(Top_Image2, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
        height, width, channel = Top_Image2.shape # 190520 in accordance to above lines new

        # height, width, channel = Top_Image1.shape
        bytesPerLine = 3 * width

        ret_QImage = QImage(, width, height, bytesPerLine, QImage.Format_RGB888)

    def run_vision_function(self, progress_callback): # QThread
        self.elapsed_time  = my_timer()
        prev_mb_timer = my_timer() -2 # so that first time it gets executed
        frame_set = False
        seq_running_timer = my_timer()
        hm_temp_res = [0,0,0,0]
        fw_temp_res = [0,0,0,0]

        action_to_do = 0 # set the action_to_do with 1 - 5 of the following
        act_lb_hm_chk = 1       # do home check
        act_lb_hm_tmp_chk = 2    # do home template check
        act_lb_fw_chk = 3       # do forward check
        act_lb_fw_tmp_chk = 4   # do forward template check
        act_lb_rv_chk = 5       # do reverse check
        act_hb_cont_chk = 6       # do reverse check
        act_all_pass_chk = 10       # do reverse check
        act_all_fail_chk = 12       # do reverse check
        act_bc_print_chk = 13       # do reverse check

        hm_chk_result = False
        fw_chk_result = False
        high_beam_result = False
        rv_chk_result = False
        hm_template_chk_pass = False
        fw_template_chk_pass = False
        # show_rectangle = 0
        n = 0 # debug
        start_high_beam_chk = False # debug
        img_write_once = True # debug
        # self.read_table() # debug remove
        self.curr_plc_command = 0 # debug remove
        dummy_always_true = True
        temp_img = self.orig_frame
        roi_hide_time = 1.00
        roi_hide_after_timer = True
        all_test_timer = False
        read_daq = False
        test_time_taken = 0
        disp_delay = my_timer()
        save_image = False
        # do_template_check_run = False # to control that the template is run only once
        while self.run_loop:
            # while True:
            self.elapsed_time = round(my_timer() - prev_mb_timer)

            if ((self.curr_plc_command== 16) or (self.curr_plc_command==2) or (self.curr_plc_command==0)):
                if (self.elapsed_time > 2):

                    #print ("daq bef read ", self.curr_plc_command, " elapsed time ", self.elapsed_time)
                    read_daq = True

            if (read_daq==True) :

                prev_mb_timer = round(my_timer()) # bug self.prev_mb_timer modified to prev_mb_timer 080720
                #print ("daq after read ", self.curr_plc_command)
                read_daq = False
                #print ("Reading DIO  ",self.curr_plc_command,prev_mb_timer, " ", self.elapsed_time)
                if self.mb_connected == True:
                    # self.execute_modbus() #modbusuncomment

                if(self.prev_jig_product != self.curr_jig_product) & (self.curr_jig_product in range(1,16)):
                    self.prev_jig_product = self.curr_jig_product
                if  (self.curr_plc_command != self.prev_plc_command):

                    self.prev_plc_command = self.curr_plc_command
                    prev_mb_timer = my_timer()
                    self.cycle_timeout = my_timer() # used to timeut cycle
                    # seq_start_timer = my_timer() # reset the start time whenever sequence change from plc
                    self.seq_begin_timer  = my_timer() # reset the start time whenever sequence change from plc
                    if self.curr_plc_command == 1: # start home aiming  then initialize
                        self.show_rect_id = 1

                        hm_temp_res = [0,0,0,0]
                        fw_temp_res = [0,0,0,0]
                        hm_chk_result = False
                        fw_chk_result = False
                        rv_chk_result = False
                        high_beam_result = False
                        action_to_do = act_lb_hm_chk
                        self.start_time = my_timer() # debug for timing
                        #self.cycle_timeout = my_timer() # used to timeut cycle sequence
                        self.btn_color ="ALL_gray" # sets all btns to red initially
                        #print ("curr_command 1 ")
                        save_image = True # debug used to save image as per AJINs request to find the deflector

                    if (self.curr_plc_command == 4): # start low beam sequence check
                        #print ("curr_command 4 ")

                        action_to_do == act_lb_hm_chk
                    if (self.curr_plc_command == 8): # start high beam check
                        self.show_rect_id = 0
                        action_to_do = act_hb_cont_chk
                        start_high_beam_chk  = True # required in actual run

            if (self.video_acq_run == True and self.video_stop_by_button == False): # debug this and next line
                # next 4 lines needed change indent after removing above 1st line
                # ret_frame_list = self.run_video_loop() # this will be replaced with get from camera
                # ret_frame_list = self.run_video_loop() # this will be replaced with get from camera
                ret,frame = grab_image_one()
                frame_set = ret
                ret_frame = frame

            if frame_set == True and self.video_stop_by_button == False :

                # print("here 1")
                temp_img = ret_frame
                self.orig_frame = ret_frame # just in case to remove if not using
                temp_img = cv2.resize(ret_frame, None, fx=0.65, fy=0.65)
                homing_roi_image = ret_frame
                # check if the following four lines to be done here or on home
                self.top_X,self.top_Y = self.hm_top_x[1],self.hm_top_y[1]
                self.bot_X,self.bot_Y = self.hm_bot_x[1],self.hm_bot_y[1]
                self.com_tol_top_X,self.com_tol_top_Y = self.hm_tol_top_x[1],self.hm_tol_top_y[1]
                self.com_tol_bot_X,self.com_tol_bot_Y = self.hm_tol_bot_x[1],self.hm_tol_bot_y[1]

                if (my_timer() - self.seq_begin_timer  >= roi_hide_time) & (roi_hide_after_timer==True ):
                    # print ("Hide timer ",my_timer() - self.seq_begin_timer, roi_hide_timer )
                    self.show_template_rectange_hmfw = 0
                if (self.curr_plc_command == 1): # low beam manual aiming mod060720 new code added
                    hm_chk_result = self.do_home_check(temp_img,1) # mod060720 new code added
                    if (hm_chk_result == True):
                        self.out_home7(1) # mod130720 commented out send home signal as pass DAQ Code
                        self.curr_plc_command = 0
                        self.next_plc_command = 4
                        if save_image == True:
                            image_time = int(
                            save_filename = "../templates/deflectorimage/f"+str(image_time)+".png"
                            print ("file name ", save_filename)
                            save_image = False

                if (self.curr_plc_command == 4): # start lowbeam Forward Reverse  check
                    if (action_to_do == act_lb_hm_chk):

                        if (hm_chk_result == True ):
                            action_to_do = act_lb_hm_tmp_chk # set next action to hm_template check

                    if (action_to_do == act_lb_hm_tmp_chk): # start home template check
                        hm_temp_res = self.do_template_check(temp_img,1) #mod140720 commented out for testing
                        #hm_temp_res = (1,1,1,1)
                        if (hm_temp_res[1] ==1) & (hm_temp_res[2] ==1) & (hm_temp_res[3] ==1):
                            action_to_do = act_lb_fw_chk # set next action to forward check
                            self.seq_begin_timer = my_timer() # store next action begin time
                            hm_template_chk_pass = True
                            roi_hide_after_timer = True
                            self.show_rect_id = 5 # show forward rectangle mod130720
                            self.r_color_id = 2 # color Red
                            print ("Forward Start  ")
                            self.out_motor_fw(1) # send forward signal 1 for forward DAQ Code

                            print("Hm Template Fail ",hm_temp_res,self.tm_color)
                            hm_template_chk_pass = False
                            #roi_hide_after_timer = False
                            roi_hide_after_timer = True
                            self.seq_begin_timer = my_timer()
                            self.out_fail() # send fail signal as pass DAQ Code
                            self.curr_plc_command = 0 # to restart
                            action_to_do = 0

                    if (action_to_do == act_lb_fw_chk):

                        fw_chk_result = self.do_fw_check(temp_img)

                        if (fw_chk_result == True ):
                            self.out_motor_fw(2) # forward motor off signal
                            action_to_do = act_lb_fw_tmp_chk # set next action to hm_template check
                    if (action_to_do == act_lb_fw_tmp_chk): # forward template check
                        # FORWARD POSITION TEMPLATE CHECK AS FOLLOWS -- Bypassed on 060720
                        # fw_temp_res = self.do_template_check(temp_img,2) # bypassed 060720
                        #print ("Rverse Start  3 ")
                        fw_temp_res = (1,1,1,1)
                        # print ("Forward Result ",fw_temp_res)
                        if (fw_temp_res[1] ==1) & (fw_temp_res[2] ==1) & (fw_temp_res[3] ==1):
                            # START REVERSE
                            #print ("Rverse Start  4")
                            action_to_do = act_lb_rv_chk # set next action to forward check
                            self.seq_begin_timer = my_timer() # store next action begin time
                            fw_template_chk_pass = True
                            roi_hide_after_timer = True
                            self.show_rect_id = 3 # show reverse  rectangle
                            self.r_color_id = 2 # color Red
                            self.out_motor_rv(1) # send reverse signal 1 for forward DAQ Code

                    if (action_to_do == act_lb_rv_chk):

                        rv_chk_result = self.do_home_check(temp_img,3) # 3 is for reverse check

                        if (rv_chk_result == True):
                            action_to_do = 0 # read daq
                            self.out_motor_off() # send forward & reverse off signals  for  DAQ Code
                            self.out_pass() # send reverse pass signal  for  DAQ Code
                            self.curr_plc_command = 0 # to restart
                            self.next_plc_command = 8

                    test_time_taken = round(my_timer() - self.cycle_timeout)
                    if (test_time_taken > 15):

                        fw_template_chk_pass = False
                        hm_template_chk_pass = False
                        roi_hide_after_timer = False
                        self.seq_begin_timer = my_timer()
                        self.out_fail() # send forward template fail signal  for  DAQ Code
                        self.curr_plc_command = 0 # to restart
                        read_daq = True
                        action_to_do = 0

                if (self.curr_plc_command == 8) & (start_high_beam_chk == True) :

                    (high_beam_result,r_contours) = self.do_high_beam_contour(temp_img)
                    if (high_beam_result == True):
                        cv2.drawContours(temp_img, r_contours, -1, (0, 255, 0), 2)
                        self.out_pass() # send high beam  pass signal  for  DAQ Code
                        self.curr_plc_command = 0 # to restart
                        read_daq = True
                        self.next_plc_command = 1
                        action_to_do = 0
                    if (test_time_taken > 15):

                        print("High beam Fail " )

                        self.out_fail() # send forward template fail signal  for  DAQ Code
                        self.curr_plc_command = 0 # to restart
                        read_daq = True
                        action_to_do = 0
                if (self.curr_plc_command == 2) :
                    # do ALL Pass show indicator
                    print ("Bar Code on Pass ", self.print_bc_only_once)
                    if (self.barcodereq == 1) and (self.print_bc_only_once==1):
                        print(" bc print under pass ")
                        self.btn_color= 'self.prnStatusBtn_green'
                    self.curr_plc_command = 0
                    self.btn_color= 'self.allTestBtn_green'

                if (self.curr_plc_command == 16) :
                    # all Fail show indicator

                    self.btn_color= 'self.allTestBtn_red'

                if (self.curr_plc_command == 32) :
                    # do barcode print
                    print ("Bar Code on Print Command")
                    if self.barcodereq == 1:
                        #self.do_print_barcode()#commneted mod170720
                        self.btn_color= 'self.prnStatusBtn_green'
                    self.curr_plc_command = 0

                status_message = self.str_ret_val
                final_image = self.draw_rectangles(temp_img)
                disp_elapsed = round((my_timer() - disp_delay),2)
                disp_image = False
                if disp_elapsed > 0.03:
                    disp_image = True
                    disp_delay = my_timer()

                if disp_image == True :

    def do_home_check(self,tmp_img, hm_fw_pos):# called from run_vision_function continously until condition met
        # Leaving code as is for reference

        home_check_result = False
        defined_mtptH = 0
        defined_mtptL = 0
        btn_color_red = ''
        btn_color_yellow =''
        hmtlrx = 8
        hmtlry = 12
        str_movement = " "
        do_delayed_check = False
        tolr = 0
        if (hm_fw_pos == 1): # get home ROI 1
            self.top_X,self.top_Y = self.hm_top_x[1],self.hm_top_y[1]
            self.bot_X,self.bot_Y = self.hm_bot_x[1],self.hm_bot_y[1]
            self.com_tol_top_X,self.com_tol_top_Y = self.hm_tol_top_x[1],self.hm_tol_top_y[1]
            self.com_tol_bot_X,self.com_tol_bot_Y = self.hm_tol_bot_x[1],self.hm_tol_bot_y[1]
            defined_mtptH  = self.hm1_mtpt_mhl[2]
            defined_mtptL  = self.hm1_mtpt_mhl[3]
            btn_color_red = 'self.hmPassBtn_red'
            btn_color_yellow = 'self.hmPassBtn_yellow'
            str_movement = "Home "
            do_delayed_check = True

            tolr = 9
        #mod130720 forward rectangle check not done from this part
        elif (hm_fw_pos == 2): # get FW ROI 1
            print ("This part must not run.  insteac the do_fw_check should run for the forward movement ")
            # comment out above section of does nto run #130720
        elif (hm_fw_pos == 3): # reverse sequence of low beam use teh HOME 1 ROI (both are same only button different)
            self.top_X,self.top_Y = self.hm_top_x[1],self.hm_top_y[1]
            self.bot_X,self.bot_Y = self.hm_bot_x[1],self.hm_bot_y[1]
            self.com_tol_top_X,self.com_tol_top_Y = self.hm_tol_top_x[1],self.hm_tol_top_y[1]
            self.com_tol_bot_X,self.com_tol_bot_Y = self.hm_tol_bot_x[1],self.hm_tol_bot_y[1]
            defined_mtptH  = self.hm1_mtpt_mhl[2] # X h is x l is y
            defined_mtptL  = self.hm1_mtpt_mhl[3] # Y  h is x l is y
            # hm_fw_pos = hm_fw_pos - 2 # changing the 3 passed to 1 to allow home based functions like rectangle & color
            btn_color_red = 'self.rvPassBtn_red'
            btn_color_yellow = 'self.rvPassBtn_green' # here wil be using green instead of yellow
            str_movement = "Reverse "
            do_delayed_check = True
            tolr = 9

        if (self.top_X>0) & (self.top_Y>0) & (self.bot_X>0)  & (self.bot_Y >0):
            homing_roi_image = tmp_img[self.top_Y:self.bot_Y , self.top_X:self.bot_X]
            homing_roi_image = tmp_img.copy()

        tol_mtpt1 = self.top_X + mtpt1
        tol_mtpt2 = self.top_Y + mtpt2
        # mod050720 following 2 lines
        self.defined_tol_mtpt1 = self.top_X + defined_mtptH
        self.defined_tol_mtpt2 = self.top_Y + defined_mtptL

        self.r_color_id = 2
        x_ok = False
        y_ok = False

        if ((tol_mtpt1 > self.com_tol_top_X ) & (tol_mtpt1 < self.com_tol_bot_X) & (mtpt1 !=0)):
            x_ok = True
        if ((tol_mtpt2> self.com_tol_top_Y ) & (tol_mtpt2  < self.com_tol_bot_Y) & (mtpt2 !=0)):
            y_ok = True

        # if (tol_mtpt1 in range (self.com_tol_top_X, self.com_tol_bot_X)) and (tol_mtpt2 in range (self.com_tol_top_Y,self.com_tol_bot_Y)) and (mtpt2!=0):
        if ((x_ok == True ) and (y_ok==True)):
            #print (" tol ", self.com_tol_top_X ,tol_mtpt1 ,self.com_tol_bot_X, " 2 ",self.com_tol_top_Y , tol_mtpt2 ,self.com_tol_bot_Y)
            # self.show_color_arr[hm_fw_pos] = 1 # green
            self.r_color_id = 1
            # mod050720 adding the following if
            if (do_delayed_check == True): # setting time delay only at initial home
                if(round(my_timer() -  self.seq_begin_timer,2)> 2):
                    self.home_at_fw_start_x,self.home_at_fw_start_y =tol_mtpt1,tol_mtpt2 #mod130720
                    home_check_result = True
                    self.btn_color= btn_color_yellow #'self.hmPassBtn_yellow'
                home_check_result = True
                self.btn_color= btn_color_yellow #'self.hmPassBtn_yellow'
                # above line change 070720
        else: #if (mtpt2 < self.hm1_mtpt_mhl[2]) and (mtpt2 > self.hm1_mtpt_mhl[3]) and (mtpt2!=0):

            self.seq_begin_timer = my_timer()
            self.r_color_id = 2
            # self.show_color_arr[hm_fw_pos] = 2 # red
            home_check_result = False
            self.btn_color=btn_color_red # 'self.hmPassBtn_red'

        # self.str_ret_val =  str_movement + " Tolerance Req " + str(defined_mtptH) + " " + str(defined_mtptL)  +"    Actual  TX    " + str(self.com_tol_top_X) + " VAL  " + str(tol_mtpt1) +"    BX " + str( self.com_tol_bot_X) + "    TY " + str( self.com_tol_top_Y) + "    VAL " + str(tol_mtpt2) +"     BY " + str(self.com_tol_bot_Y) + "            Final Result " + str(home_check_result) +  "        X Y Result  " + str(x_ok) + "  " +  str(y_ok)
        self.str_ret_val =  str_movement + " Current  Tol X " + str(tol_mtpt1) + " Between " + str(self.com_tol_top_X) + "/" + str(self.com_tol_bot_X) + " Req Tol X " + str(self.defined_tol_mtpt1) +  " Current  Tol Y " + str(tol_mtpt2) + " Between " + str(self.com_tol_top_Y) + "/" + str(self.com_tol_bot_Y) +  " Req Tol Y " + str(self.defined_tol_mtpt2)   +  "    X Y Result  " + str(x_ok) + "  " +  str(y_ok) + "    Final Result " + str(home_check_result)

        return home_check_result
    #mod130720 do_rv_check added as a new function for reverse check
    def do_rv_check(self,tmp_img): # called from run_vision_function conditionally once 15 seconds
        rv_check_result = False
        # code same as above do_home_check with slight variation
        return rv_check_result

    def do_fw_check(self,tmp_img):  # called from run_vision_function conditionally once 15 seconds
        fw_check_result = False

        # code same as above do_home_check with slight variation
        return fw_check_result

    def do_template_check(self,tmp_img,hm_fwd_check):  # called from run_vision_function conditionally once 15 seconds
        self.r_color_id = 0
        self.show_rect_id = 0
        template_result=[0,0,0,0] # first one dummy
        # there is for loop here with range 1 to 4 . In sense loop runs 3 times
        return template_result

    def template_logging(self,cimg,jigid,tmp_res1,temp_res2,temp_res3): # called by do_template_check above
        imgpath = "../errtrack/f"
        image_time = int(
        save_filename = imgpath +str(image_time)+".png"

    def do_high_beam_contour(self,img1):  # called from run_vision_function conditionally once 15 seconds
        cntr_result = False
        if (area > 30000):
            cntr_result = True
            self.btn_color= 'self.hBeamBtn_green'
        return(cntr_result, [contours[0]])

    # print routine start
    def do_print_barcode(self):  # called from run_vision_function conditionally once 15 seconds
        # reads text file and prints to serial port / barcode printer

    def homing_midpoint(self,img1): # used under do_home_check & fw_check and rv_check
        return (cont_try_error,t1,t2)

    def btn_color_set(self,btn_name_color): # called from recurring_timer continously for changing the color state of the buttons
        if (btn_name_color != "NA"):
            btnname_color = btn_name_color.split("_")
            btn_name = btnname_color[0]
            s_color = btnname_color[1]

            s_style = ''
            # print(btn_name," ", s_color)
            if s_color == 'red':
                s_style = '.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: red;font-size: 12px;height: 28px;width: 80px;")'
            elif s_color == 'green':
                s_style = '.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: green;font-size: 12px;height: 28px;width: 80px;")'
            # 230520 change for home and forward color set
            elif s_color == 'yellow':
                s_style = '.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: yellow;font-size: 12px;height: 28px;width: 80px;")'
            elif s_color == 'gray':
                s_style = '.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: gray;font-size: 12px;height: 28px;width: 80px;")'

            btns = ['self.hmPassBtn','self.fwPassBtn','self.rvPassBtn','self.hBeamBtn','self.allTestBtn','self.prnStatusBtn']
            for btn in btns:
                if  (str(btn_name) == str(btn)) | (str(btn_name) == 'ALL'):
                    styl = btn+'.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: red;font-size: 12px;height: 28px;width: 80px;")'
                    styl = btn+ s_style

    def print_output(self, s):

    def thread_complete(self):
        print("THREAD COMPLETE!")

    def closeEvent(self, event):
        # print ("exit clicked")
        self.run_loop = False
        # self.threadpool.stop(self.worker)
        Acq_stop_one() # a call to function from external python file.


    def start_vision(self):
        # Pass the function to execute
        self.worker = VisionR(self.run_vision_function) # Any other args, kwargs are passed to the run function
        self.worker.signals.result.connect(self.print_output) # commented out by suresh
        self.worker.signals.finished.connect(self.thread_complete) # commented out by suresh
        self.worker.signals.progress.connect(self.progress_fn) # commented out by suresh
        # worker.signals.pass_image.connect(self.progress_fn) # commented out by suresh
        self.counter =0
        #print ("Counter Reset")

        # Execute

    def modbus_connect(self):
        if (self.mb_connected==False):
            print("Connecting ...")
            # self.mb_connect_tried +=1
            mb_connect_tries = 0
            while mb_connect_tries <= 3:
                    #client = ModbusClient('', port=502)

                    self.mb_connected =  self.client.connect()
                    print ("Connection Status {0}".format(self.mb_connected))
                except AssertionError as error:
                    print("Modbus Connection Error")
                    self.mb_connected = False
                if self.mb_connected == True:
                    mb_connect_tries = 4
                    mb_connect_tries +=1
            if self.mb_connected:
                self.mbBtn.setStyleSheet("font: bold;background-color: green; border: 2px solid #555; border-radius: 20px; border-style: outset; background: qradialgradient(cx: 0.3, cy: -0.4, fx: 0.3, fy: -0.4,radius: 1.35, stop:0 white, stop: 0.01 gray, stop:1 green);padding: 5px;    font-size: 12px;height: 30px;width: 30px;")
                self.mbBtn.setStyleSheet("font: bold; color: black; border: 2px solid #555; border-radius: 20px; border-style: outset; background:  qradialgradient(cx: 0.3, cy: -0.4, fx: 0.3, fy: -0.4,radius: 1.35, stop:0 white, stop: 0.01 gray, stop:1 red);padding: 5px;    font-size: 12px;height: 30px;width: 30px;")
                print("no Camera")

    def start_stop_vision_thread(self):
        if self.envOK[0] != 1:
            self.str_ret_val= self.envOK[2] + str(" Val ") + str(self.envOK[1]) + str(" Error ") + str(self.envOK[0])

        if self.vision_thread_start == False:
            # self.start_run()
            self.start_time = my_timer()
            # self.run_loop = False # added on 290520
            self.vision_thread_start = True
            self.run_loop = False
            self.vision_thread_start = False
            # self.threadpool.stop(self.worker)

    def read_table(self): # conditional read. not frequent. From vision_function . Read SQL TAble

            print ("read table done")

        # self.draw_rectangle_manual()

    def vld(self,in_val): # called from read_table for validation
        # checks if value from field is valid and not equal to None. If none returns 0 applies to numerics only
        ret_val = 0
        if in_val == None:
            ret_val = 0
            ret_val = int(in_val)
        return ret_val

    def recurring_timer(self):
        # pass

app = QApplication([])
window = MainWindow()