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Games Jobs Live this Weds; livestream with recruiting Brighton(UK) games studios - Printable Version

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Games Jobs Live this Weds; livestream with recruiting Brighton(UK) games studios - scottishcolin - Aug-16-2020

This Wednesday (19th August), Games Jobs Live is in Brighton, with a livestream featuring presentations from The Chinese Room (Dear Esther, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture), FuturLab (Peaky Blinders Mastermind, Velocity 2X), Studio Gobo (For Honor, Disney Infinity), Electric Square ( Forza Street, Hot Wheels id), Red Beard Games / Hi-Rez (Smite, Paladins), MAG Interactive (Ruzzle, WordBrain), and more.

The event is FREE and open to anyone, whether you’re already working in games, another industry, or recently graduated and looking to get in.

Alongside the livestream each studio has a dedicated channel in the Discord so anyone interested in their positions can ask any questions.

As I've only just joined the forum I can't post the link to register, but just search for "games jobs live" and it'll be the top result :)